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International conference "Algebraic topology and applications" (15-17 July, 2024) and school "Algebraic topology and applications to data analysis" (18-19 July, 2024)

Toric topology is a new rapidly developing area of mathematics, lying at the intersection of topology, combinatorics, polytope theory, combinatorial commutative algebra, algebraic and symplectic geometry and characterized by deep interrelations of ideas and methods arising in these areas. Toric topology studies the actions of a compact torus on smooth manifolds and cellular spaces whose orbit spaces contain rich combinatorial structures. The planned conference comprehensively covers the above areas. The main subject of the school will be the connections between toric topology and combinatorics, as well as their applications in topological data analysis.

July 15-17, 2024 (conference) room R 208.
July 18-19, 2024 (school) room R 208.

List of speakers:
Ayzenberg Anton
Buchstaber Victor
Chernykh Gerorgiy
Erokhovets Nikolay
Gugnin Dmitriy
Masuda Mikiya
Panov Taras
Rakhmatullaev Temurbek
Vesnin Andrey
Vylegzhanin Fedor

List of lecturers:

Buchstaber Victor
Masuda Mikiya
Panov Taras
Vesnin Andrey


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