Third summer school on "Machine learning in high energy physics"
How school passed in the past years you can read on the links: 2015 and 2016.
Classes will be conducted by researchers from leading universities such as MIT, University of Melbourne, HSE and staff of the School of data analysis Yandex.
The school will be interesting for senior students, graduate students and young scientists who want to try their hand at developing an interdisciplinary field of research that lies at the intersection of physics and machine learning.
In addition to fluency in English, participants need knowledge of the Python programming language and basic knowledge of physics.
At the event, 50 to 60 participants are expected. Early registration ends April 30th.
The school organizers provide the students of the faculty of computer Sciences three grants to participate.
The main organizer of the school, as in the previous times, is a Laboratory for methods of big data analysis (LAMBDA). Co-organizers: School of data analysis and Imperial College of London. This year the partners of the school were Yandex, Yandex Data Factory, and Winton.
Detailed information about the School and the application procedure is available on the website of the Summer School.