Seminar 20 of the group
The final meeting of the group was held, at which new work of the group members was discussed.
Seminar 19 of the group
A meeting of the group, devoted to the analysis of migration trajectories of Russians was held.
Seminar 18 of the group
The participant of the group, Alena Artamonova, based on the data of the "Generations and Gender" study, conducted a comparative analysis of the key patterns of matrimonial behavior and revealed similar trends and major differences in the listed countries.
Associate Professor of School of Data Analysis and Artificial Intelligence, Dmitry Ignatov, organized international workshop EEML 2017
C 17 по 18 сентября в Техническом университете Дрездена состоялся научный семинар по экспериментальной экономике и машинному обучению (Fourth International Workshop on Experimental Economics and Machine Learning (EEML 2017))
Seminar 17 of the group
Discussion on possible directions for the development of further sequencing studies with a focus on data visualization.
Seminar 14 of the group
Meeting of the group in conjunction with an invited specialist from Barcelona Jaume Baixeries. Discussion of further variants of sequence analysis using data analysis methods was carried out.
Seminar 13 of the group
E.S. Mitrofanova made a presentation on "Preparing biographies to analyze the occurrence of the event sequences". Discussion of practical cases based on data.
Seminar 12 of the group
Discussion of the drafts of papers and reports of participants of the group.