Vital parameters measurement with tactile pressure sensors
We are developing methods for continuous non-invasive monitoring of the following health parameters:
- heart rate
- pulse wave velocity
- blood pressure
Heart rate. In order to measure the heart rate, we only need one sensor on any area with a pulse wave signal present.We have proposed a robust algorithm for pulse estimation by min and max-points extraction:
Pulse wave velocity and blood pressure. For pulse wave velocity and blood pressure monitoring, signals need to be simultaneously collected from two sensors located on the patient’s wrist and neck. In order to ensure the accuracy of simultaneous transmission of the signals from two sensors, we proposed a synchronization algorithm that compensates transmission delays and considers individual features of sensors. In addition, we proposed a robust procedure for pulse vawe velocity estimation: calculation of optimal shift between sensors’ signals for finding the optimal juncture of these signals based on correlation.
The proposed algorithms were tested both on model and real data. The procedure for measurement of blood pressure through pulse vawe velocity is currently under development.
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