Mini-Workshop: Stochastic Processes and Probabilistic Models in Machine Learning
On September 12 and 13 the laboratory invites four international researchers to give talks on modern applications of stochastic processes and probabilistic modeling in machine learning. The speakers will give an overview of the theory of Dirichlet, Pitman-Yor, Gamma and Gaussian processes, and how they can be applied to deal with large scale problems, interpretability and other tasks. Also, several speakers from Russian scientific groups will present their research.
Language: English
Location: Faculty of Computer Science, Moscow, Kochnovsky Proezd, 3, room 205
Dates: September, 12 and 13.
Materials: slides, lecture (Maurizio Filippone), lecture (Wray Buntine), lecture (Ilya Tolstihin), lecture (Novi Quadrianto), talks part1, talks part 2.
September, 12, room 205
14:00-15:30 Ethical Machine Learning
Assistant Professor, University of Sussex, Great Britain
Scientific Advisor, HSE Laboratory of Deep Learning and Bayesian Methods
15:45-17:15 Implicit generative models: dual and primal approaches
Postdoc, Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems, Tübingen, Germany
17:30-19:00 Introduction to Dirichlet Processes and their use
Professor, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia
September, 13, room 205
14:00-15:30 Gaussian Processes
Assistant Professor, EURECOM, France
15:45-18:30 Russian researchers session
Yuriy Kuratov, Idris Yusupov | Skill-based Conversational Agent |
Mikhail Arkhipov | Application of modern neural architectures to the problem of Russian Named Entity Recognition |
Konstantin Vorontsov | Additive Regularization for Topic Modeling |
Anna Potapenko | Interpretable probabilistic embeddings: bridging the gap between topic models and neural networks |
Alexey Umnov | Data Anonymization with Wasserstein Distance |
Viktor Yanush | Learnable optimization strategies using recurrent neural networks |
Oleg Ivanov | Missing Features Imputation using Conditional Variational Autoencoders |
Artyom Gadetsky | Conditional Generators of Words Definitions |
Valentin Sytov | Variational Autoencoders for Image Retrieval |