'It Is Crucial for HSE University to Strengthen the Positions of Russian Education and Science'
Delegations from Nanjing University and Renmin (People's) University of China have recently made their first visits to HSE University to explore potential areas of cooperation. The Chinese universities have expressed interest in initiating collaborative research projects, educational and academic mobility programmes.

MACSPro'2021 will start this Thursday, December 16. Here is some information about lectures to pay attention to.
В пятницу, 17 декабря, с 14 до 16:10 состоятся 4 замечательных доклада (на секции конференции MACSPro 2021, которую проводит наша лаборатория МУСС). Авторы – известные специалисты в своей области.Первого докладчика мы долго приглашали к нам. Это введение в современные задачи статфизики, где умение писать быстродействующие коды чрезвычайно полезны.Второй доклад вообще создан на ФКН – может рассматриваться как учебное пособие работы с текстами.
Business Informatics students will participate in the final stage of the Finodays hackathon
Присоединяемся к поздравлениям команды студентов 3-его курса образовательной программы "Бизнес-информатика" (Петяева Елизавета, Филимошина Екатерина, Мусина Алина, Сметанин Антон и Абдулхаев Камрон), завершивших 2 этапа в хакатоне Finodays (https://finodays.com/) по теме машинного обучения и аналитики данных.

MACSPro-2020 Online Conference
On October 22-24, MACSPro-2020 (Modeling and Analysis of Complex Systems and Processes) online conference has taken place. Its aim is the exchange of experience between the researchers working on theory and practice of complex system analysis in diverse areas ranging from astrophysics and bioinformatics to business.

HSE University Researchers Receive Fifteen Grants from the Russian Science Foundation
The Russian Science Foundation has announced the winners of four 2020 competitions. Some of the winners are from HSE University. They have received grants of 12 to 24 million roubles, for a term of two to four years.

International Conference "Modeling and Analysis of Complex Systems and Processes" (MACSPro'2019)
From March 21 to March 23, the international conference "Modeling and Analysis of Complex Systems and Processes" (MACSPro'2019), organized by ExactPro and CSMC and PAIS Labs, was held in Vienna. Leading scholars from Spain, Russia, Nitherland, Georgia, and other countries took part in this event. They discussed the state of the art and proposed new methods that can solve actural data-driven business-oriented problems in physics and economics.