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Moscow, 11 Pokrovskiy boulevard, Room S829

Phone: 7(495) 531-00-00*27269 / *27271

Email: ealieva@hse.ru / afisenko@hse.ru

Department Head Maxim A. Babenko
Elmira Alieva
Project manager Elmira Alieva
Yury Shchepetkov
Project manager Yury Shchepetkov
Manager Anna Fisenko
Valentina Broner
Associate Professor Valentina Broner

Research & Expertise – News

Three HSE Researchers Receive Ilya Segalovich Award

Three HSE Researchers Receive Ilya Segalovich Award
Three researchers of the HSE Faculty of Computer Science are among the winners of the 2022 Ilya Segalovich Award: Research Professor Dmitry Vetrov, Associate Professor Alexey Naumov and doctoral student Sergey Samsonov. The award, established by Yandex in 2019, is aimed at supporting young researchers and the scientific community in the field of IT in Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan.

Building a Simple App for Apple Watch

Building a Simple App for Apple Watch
Gregory Tareyev, a Software Engineering student, a co-founder and iOS developer of Chill shares his experience with the international editorial AppCoda on Apple Watch development and shows how to build a simple weather app.

10th International Computer Science Symposium in Russia

10th International Computer Science Symposium in Russia
On July 13th-17th 2015, the 10th International Computer Science Symposium in Russia took place. The largest conference on theoretical informatics in Russia was organized by Irkutsk State University, the Higher School of Economics and Yandex. Vladimir Podolskii, Associate Professor at the Big Data and Information Retrieval School took part in the event as guest speaker. Maxim Babenko, Head of the Joint Department with Yandex also delivered a report during the event.

Teaching assistant of department is starting three-month internship in DeepMind

Teaching assistant of our department (Sergey Bartunov) is starting his three-month internship in DeepMind, a research division of Google. There he will work on developing new methods of deep learning and on new new architectures of neural netowkrs.

Summer school on Machine Learning in High Energy Physics

August 27-30, St.-Petersburg. MLHEP summer school is intended to cover the relatively young area of data analysis and computational research that has started to emerge in High Energy Physics (HEP).

Faculty Student Comes 7th in Higgs Boson Machine Learning Challenge

The Higgs Boson Machine Learning Challenge, the largest international competition in data analysis and machine learning came to a close on 15 September. Second year MA computer science MA student Stanislav Semenov won 7th place in the final count, crowning 4 months of intense work.