Structural Inference in High-Dimensional Models
This is the first joint Moscow-Paris workshop, which starts a series of annual joint meetings of researchers from France and Russia, working on modern aspects of high-dimensional probability, statistics and their applications. Key topics of this event are stochastic algorithms, efficient dimension reduction, community detection in large networks, optimal transport, random matrices, concentration of measure phenomena, stochastic geometry, and inference for stochastic processes.
The scientific programme of the workshop consists of two mini-courses, approximately 20 oral presentations (invited and contributed talks) and a poster session (posters will be selected by the Programme Committee). Program is now available.
Mini-courses (each course consists of two 60 minutes lectures):
Francis Bach (INRIA - ECOLE NORMALE SUPERIEURE), Large-scale machine learning and convex optimization. | |
Arnak Dalalyan (CREST, ENSAE), On robust estimation of a high dimensional parameter. |
- Ildar Ibragimov (PDMI RAS)
- Anna Ben-Hamou (Sorbonne University),
Estimating graph parameters with random walks - Denis Belomestny (HSE; University of Duisburg-Essen)
- Gérard Biau (Sorbonne University),
Some theoretical properties of GANs - Evgeny Burnaev (Skoltech; HSE),
Quadrature-based features for kernel approximation - Marko Cuturi (CREST, ENSAE),
Regularized optimal transport - Alain Durmus (ENS Paris-Saclay)
- Yuri Golubev (CNRS),
Bayes tests in sparse vectors detection - Clement Levrard (University Paris-Diderot)
- Jean-Michel Loubes (University of Toulouse),
Fairness in Machine Learning Algorithms using Optimal Transport - Blazej Miasojedow (Polish Academy of Sciences),
Analysis of Langevin Monte Carlo via convex optimization - Steve Oudot (Inria; Ecole Polytechnique) ,
The pre-image problem from a topological perspective - Maxim Panov (Skoltech; HSE)
- Quentin Paris (HSE)
- Natalia Smorodina (PDMI RAS)
- Alexander Tikhomirov (Komi SC RAS),
On the linear and quadratic statistics of the eigenvalues of large random matrices - Mathias Trabs (Universität Hamburg)
- Alexandre Tsybakov (CREST, ENSAE)
- Andrei Zaitsev (PDMI RAS),
Rare events and Poisson point processes - Dmitry Zaporozhets (PDMI RAS)
Programme Committee: E. Moulines , V. Spokoiny , A. Goldenshluger , D. Belomestny .
Local Organizing Committee: A. Naumov , V. Ulyanov , Q. Paris , L. Iosipoi.
Venue: The conference will be held at the National Research University Higher School of Economics (11/20 Myasnitskaya street, Moscow).
Registration: The number of participants is limited. Registration of any person willing to participate is mandatory. Please, use the link to register.
For any questions, please feel free to contact the Workshop’s Administration at