The software industry is a fast-growing area of the global economy today, and software forms an essential part of the information systems where their intelligence is concentrated.
Demand for leading technical experts, qualified software developers and architects, as well as quality assurance managers from the IT and communication industry increases due to opening IT technology parks, rapid growth in offshore and outsourced programming, digitalization of public services, and the needs of private businesses.
This School aims at spreading and sharing knowledge of state-of-the-art software engineering tools and techniques. Among the speakers of the School are leading programmers and engineers from academia and industry. Participation is free, you just need to register. The event is open to everyone: undergraduate and postgraduate students, young specialists, researchers, etc.
Major topics
Software process mining
Modelling and tools
Software architectures
Software development methodology
Coding and code management
Teams management
DevOps, CI/CD
Empirical software engineering
Software engineering for researchers

Bertrand Meyer
Professor of Software Engineering, Schaffhausen Institute of Technology and Innopolis University

Manuel Mazzara
Professor, Director of Software Development and Engineering Institute, Innopolis University

Frank Pan
CTO Aliexpress Russia

Jorge Lopez
eXpert in Formal Methods, Airbus Defence and Space
Lecture times are given in the Moscow time zone (UTC+3)
Day 1 (14 February)
13:00 — Yvonne Dittrich
Software Product Ecosystems and Qualitative Empirical Methods
16:00 — Helge Pfeiffer
Global Software Engineering in Open Source and its Effect on Quality
Kotlin Day (15 February)
11:00 — Anton Arhipov
1. Kotlin overview;
2. Idiomatic use of the language features;
3. Ecosystem: tools, frameworks, and libraries14:30 — Holger Brandl
Code-first process modeling and analysis with kalasim: Understand and optimize real-world processes at ease
17:30 — Alexander Nozik
Software Engineering for Researchers
Day 3 (16 February)
13:00 — Frank Pan
- The structure of Aliexpress y and the role of IT in it
- Processes in international companies: planning, setting goals and objectives, monitoring their implementation
- The role of local teams in the development of a large product
- The choice of languages and technologies in international companies14:00 — Sergey Shershakov
System runs Analysis using process mining
17:20 — Jean-Michel Bruel
Use of acceptance testing (BDD using Cucumber) in a DevOps
Day 4 (17 February)
11:30 — David Monniaux
Presentation of verified compilation, CompCert, translation validation
13:00 — Alexey Lisitsa
Abstract State Machines: a modelling method for complex systems
15:00 — Irina A. Lomazova
Modelling distributed systems
Day 5 (18 February)
12:00 — Manuel Mazzara
Software Release anomaly detection in DevOps environment
14:00 — Natalia Kushik
(Model-based) Software Testing: some foundations and practical exercises
15:40 — Jorge Lopez
(Model-based) Software Testing: some foundations and practical exercises
17:20 — Bertrand Meyer
Seamless construction of quality software: the Eiffel approach
System and Software Engineering Master's Programme
System and Software Engineering master's programme aims at training industrial software development experts: administrators, project managers and development team leaders. It is designed for students and early-career professionals who are interested in continuing their education in data analysis, development management, advanced databases, applied systems analysis, software business and risk management.
Courses in the curriculum, all of which are taught in English, focus on software engineering methodology, psychology of software development team management, enterprise software systems development, digital interactive products development, and formal methods in software engineering, among other subjects.
Based at HSE University’s campus in Moscow, this programme is fully in line with international guidelines on teaching integrated software and systems engineering.
Programme and Organizing Committee
If you have any questions, please contact Sergey Karapetyan or Anton Basov