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Regular version of the site


30.11 - 01.12.2017
– International Conference «Demographic development of Russia on the world background: divergence or convergence?» (HSE, Moscow, Russia): E.S. Mitrofanova, presentation of the report «Sequences of the starting sociodemographic events in France, Estonia and Russia»

17 - 18.09.2017
– International Workshop on Experimental Economics and Machine Learning (EEML 2017) (Dresden, Germany): A.A. Muratova, P.E. Sushko, T.H. Espy, presentation of the report «Black-box Classification Techniques for Demographic Sequences­: from Customised SVM to RNN»

Black-Box Classification Techniques for Demographic Sequences.pdf

12 - 16.06.2017
14th International Conference on Formal Concept Analysis (Rennes, France): D.K. Gizdatullin, D.I. Ignatov, A.A. Muratova, E.S. Mitrofanova, presentation of the report «Сlassification of demographic sequences based on pattern structures and emerging patterns»

27 - 29.04.2017
– International Conference PAA Annual Meeting 2017 (Chicago, USA): E.S. Mitrofanova, poster «Sequencing the Transition to Adulthood of Russian Men and Women»

11 - 14.04.2017
XVIII April international academic conference on economic and social development (Moscow, Russia):
P.E. Sushko, T.H. Espi, E.S. Mitrofanova, A.V. Artamonova «Analysis of socio-demographic features of migratory biographies of Russians»;
E.S. Mitrofanova, A.V. Artamonova «Factors of Russians choosing the first matrimonial union»; 
A.A. Muratova, D.I. Ignatov «Decision Trees for the Classification of Demographic Sequences»;
D.I. Ignatov, D.K. Gizdatullin, E.S. Mitrofanova, A.A. Muratova, J. Baixeries, presentation of the report «Pattern mining in personal demographic trajectories»

Pattern mining in personal demographic trajectories.pdf

6 - 28.10.2016  16th Aleksanteri Conference: Life and Death in Russia (Helsinki, Finland): E.S. Mitrofanova, presentation of the report «Sexual, Matrimonial and Reproductive Behavior in Young Russians»

10 - 14.10.2016 
11th International Conference on Intelligent Data Processing: Theory and Applications (Barcelona, Spain): D.I. Ignatov, presentation of the report «Pattern-based classification of demographic sequences» (thesis)

 Pattern-based classification of demographic sequences (PDF, 232 Kb)

23 - 24.09.2016  VII International scientific-practical conference in memory of A.O. Kryshtanovsky «Methods and procedures of sociological research» (NRU HSE, Moscow): E.S. Mitrofanova, A.V. Artamonova, presentation of the report «Is the Russian Army channels of social mobility?»

31.08 - 03.09.2016 – International conference «European Population Conference 2016» (Mainz, Germany): E.S. Mitrofanova, presentation of the poster «The Sequence of Occurrences of the Starting Socio-Demographic Events in the Life Course of Russians»

18.07.2016 – Third International Workshop on Experimental Economics and Machine Learning (the 13th International Conference on Concept Lattices and Their Applications) (NRU HSE, Moscow): E.S. Mitrofanova, A.V. Artamonova, presentation of the report «Studying Family Formation Trajectories’ Deinstitutionalization in Russia Using Sequence Analysis»

8 - 10.06.2016 – International conference «LaCOSA II (The International Conference on Sequence Analysis and Related Methods)» (Lausanne, Switzerland): E.S. Mitrofanova, presentation of the report «Russian Generations: Sequencing the Transition to Adulthood»

17 - 20.05.2016 – 7-th International scientific-practical conference for students and post-graduates «Statistical methods for the analysis of the economy and society» (NRU HSE, Moscow): E.S. Mitrofanova, A.V. Artamonova, presentation of the report «Application of sequence analysis method to study the life paths of Russian men who served and doesn't served in the army»

19 - 22.04.2016 – XVI April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development: E.S. Mitrofanova, A.A. Dolgova, A.V. Artamonova, presentation of the report «Creating your own family in the context of leaving the parental home»

25 - 29.01.2016 – XXIII International conference for students, post-graduates and young scientists «LOMONOSOV» (MSU, Moscow): E.S. Mitrofanova, A.V. Artamonova,  presentation of the report «Life paths of Russian men who served and did not serve in the army»

28 - 29.01.2016  – International scientific-practical conference «Statistical methods in the humanities and economic sciences» (St. Petersburg, Russia): E.S. Mitrofanova, A.V. Artamonova, presentation of the report «Analysis of sociological data about the events of life's journey with the help of the latest statistical techniques»

30.11 - 01.12.2015  – The 3rd Generations and Gender User Conference (Vienna, Austria): A.V. Artamonova, E.S. Mitrofanova, presentation of the poster «The nature of cohabitation in contemporary Russia»

30.09 - 02.10.2015 – International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Semantic Web (Moscow): D.I. Ignatov, A.A. Muratova, D.K. Gizdatullin, E.S. Mitrofanova, presentation of the report  «Pattern Mining and Machine Learning for Demographic Sequences»

25 - 28.06.2014 – International conference European Population Conference (Hungary, Budapest): E.S. Mitrofanova, D.I. Ignatov, presentation of the poster «Exploring the difference in sequences of the first life course events among Russian generations»


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