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Efficient indexing of peptides for database search using Tide

Acquaye F. L., Kertesz-Farkas A., Stafford Noble W.

Journal of Proteome Research. 2023. Vol. 22. No. 2. P. 577-584.

Mint: MDL-based approach for Mining INTeresting Numerical Pattern Sets

Makhalova T., Kuznetsov S., Napoli A.

Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery. 2022. P. 108-145.

Book chapter
Modeling Generalization in Domain Taxonomies Using a Maximum Likelihood Criterion

Zhirayr Hayrapetyan, Nascimento S., Trevor F. et al.

In bk.: Information Systems and Technologies: WorldCIST 2022, Volume 2. Iss. 469. Springer, 2022. P. 141-147.

Book chapter
Ontology-Controlled Automated Cumulative Scaffolding for Personalized Adaptive Learning

Dudyrev F., Neznanov A., Anisimova K.

In bk.: Artificial Intelligence in Education. Posters and Late Breaking Results, Workshops and Tutorials, Industry and Innovation Tracks, Practitioners’ and Doctoral Consortium -23rd International Conference, AIED 2022, Durham, UK, July 27–31, 2022, Proceedings, Part II. Springer, 2022. P. 436-439.

Book chapter
Triclustering in Big Data Setting

Egurnov D., Точилкин Д. С., Ignatov D. I.

In bk.: Complex Data Analytics with Formal Concept Analysis. Springer, 2022. P. 239-258.

Triclusters of Close Values for the Analysis of 3D Data

Egurnov D., Ignatov D. I.

Automation and Remote Control. 2022. Vol. 83. No. 6. P. 894-902.

Deep Convolutional Neural Networks Help Scoring Tandem Mass Spectrometry Data in Database-Searching Approaches

Kudriavtseva P., Kashkinov M., Kertész-Farkas A.

Journal of Proteome Research. 2021. Vol. 20. No. 10. P. 4708-4717.

Language models for some extensions of the Lambek calculus

Kanovich M., Kuznetsov S., Scedrov A.

Information and Computation. 2022. Vol. 287.

Doctoral Student from School of Data Analysis and Artificial Intelligence Defends Dissertation in France

On October 6, Alexey Buzmakov, doctoral student in the School of Data Analysis and Artificial Intelligence, defended his thesis entitled ‘Formal Concept Analysis and Pattern Structures for Mining Structured Data’ at the University of Lorraine. 

Doctoral Student from School of Data Analysis and Artificial Intelligence Defends Dissertation in France

Buzmakov’s thesis is dedicated to the problems of data mining and formal concept analysis of data with complex structure. In particular, his study shows how it is possible to simplify the representation of data while maintaining the connection with the original submission. He suggests an effective algorithm for finding "interesting" concepts for a wide class of measures of "interestingness" (for example, stability and robustness). These theoretical results have been used in several applied projects: the analysis of patient trajectories, analysis of biological activity of chemical compounds, the analysis of text collections and various others.

The international committee included seven experts renowned for their work in the areas of data mining and formal concept analysis. Prof. Bruno Cremilleux (University of Caen, France) was the chair of the committee.

The committee included two reviewers, Prof. Jean-François Boulicaut (INSA Lyon, France) and Prof. Arno Siebes (University of Utrecht, the Netherlands); two Academic Supervisors, Prof. Sergei Kuznetsov (HSE Moscow) and Dr. Amedeo Napoli (LORIA, Nancy, France), and two prominent experts in data mining and formal concept analysis, Prof. Bernhard Ganter (TU-Dresden, Germany) and Dr. Henry Soldano (University Paris-13, France).
The committee recognized the significance of the findings, both theoretical and experimental, and Alexey Buzmakov was awarded the degree of Doctor of Informatics (PhD) at the University of Lorraine.