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AI Research Centre

About the Centre

The AI Research Centre was created at the HSE University Faculty of Computer Science in 2021.

HSE is one of the winners of a grant from the Government of the Russian Federation to create an artificial intelligence centre. The competition was held as part of the ‘Artificial Intelligence’ federal project aimed at stimulating the development and implementation of AI technologies in Russia.

Other AI research centres based at educational and scientific organisations have been selected: Skoltech, Innopolis, ITMO, MIPT, and ISP RAS.

National AI portal

The centre’s mission

The centre’s mission is to develop and implement artificial intelligence technologies in various spheres of human life and society, branches of science and sectors of the economy.

Goals and objectives

  • to develop new artificial intelligence technologies that will expand the scope of artificial intelligence and overcome existing limitations

  • to create software and tools for the use of artificial intelligence in science and business

  • to develop an open software library of artificial intelligence methods for solving socially significant tasks

Three global research areas

Development of new AI technologies

AI for business

AI for socially important tasks

Learn more about the centre’s projects

Basic Research Topics of the AI Research Centre:

  • Self-supervised learning
  • Transfer learning
  • Uncertainty estimation
  • Life-long AI learning

Some of the projects are being implemented with support from the AI Research Centre’s industrial partners: