Bilateral market research in сrowdsourcing systems
Project Relevance
Pricing on crowdsourcing platforms is poorly understood. The possibility of conducting a study of one of the promising and rapidly developing crowdsourcing platforms Yandex.Toloka in close contact with the industrial partner Yandex opens the possibility of conducting empirical research with access to detailed microdata on the one hand, and with the use of field economic experiments on the other, thus overcoming the identification problems inherent in such studies.
However, in the case of Yandex.Toloka, the existing pricing scheme does not allow discrimination, and the prices set by customers are not regulated by the platform. Therefore, research into non-price mechanisms (including personalised recommendations to users by the platform) to replace price discrimination mechanisms and improve the efficiency of the platform is relevant.
Project goal
is optimise of pricing and related information policy of crowdsourcing platforms.
These changes will be able to provide customised recommendations, regulate minimum or average prices, and change their own pricing policy.
Project Opportunity:
Competing crowdsourcing platforms for global leadership in a promising marketplace.
Better utilisation of existing human potential
New opportunities to improve the well-being of citizens. Opportunities for additional or main income with minimal transaction costs are created.
Development of high-tech business
This will be possible through efficient and cost-effective outsourcing of many tasks.
Advantages of the approach based on the analysis of objective economic incentives:
Fruitfully complements the more heuristic approach inherent in traditional machine learning methods
Allows not only rational but also behavioural aspects to be taken into account.
The project was implemented jointly with a partner
Project team