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AI Research Centre

AI in the cultural and linguistic space

  • Relevance of the project

    In the tasks of artificial intelligence, natural language occupies a huge place - as part of the toolkit modelling human consciousness. At the same time, natural language is an integral part of human culture, which itself needs to be cared for and preserved, and thus researched and documented. This task as a whole is so vast that, without the application of artificial intelligence, it proves insoluble. It has key areas where natural language finds itself the focus of artificial intelligence rather than a component of it.

  • Project tasks:

    • Fundamental scientific tasks are aimed at advanced development of generative artificial intelligence.
    • Applied tasks unite socially significant initiatives in the field of preserving Russian languages and culture, digitalisation and preservation of Russian cultural and historical heritage, and dissemination of the Russian language in the global world.

Research directions:

Application of linguistic discourse theory to natural language text generation tasks

The researchers of the project propose combining basic concepts of linguistic theory - primarily discourse theory - to retrain and tune generative models and obtain the best results: improving the discourse structure and, as a consequence, the logical coherence of the generated text.

Data corpora and tools for automatic analysis of low-resource languages in Russia

Most of the current research in the field of natural language processing is focused on working with data from the 10-20 most widely spoken languages. The development of artificial intelligence technologies for the languages of the peoples of Russia could fundamentally change the effectiveness of the efforts invested both in documenting languages and in activating their use by speakers.

Automatic recognition of texts of old orthography and pre-Petrine graphics

The use of artificial intelligence tools to recognise this kind of documents opens access to historical big data, which will be the basis for a new level of historical and economic generalisations and theoretical constructions.

Automated approaches to speech analysis of bilinguals and Russian language learners

The social and humanitarian mission of the research is the promotion and preservation of the Russian language in a foreign linguistic environment. Artificial intelligence technologies can play a significant role in satisfying this request as the most important social task of promoting Russian language and culture. One of the key applied tasks in this area is to create a system to correct errors in Russian for bilinguals and learners of Russian. The task can be solved by adapting models created for English to Russian language material, as well as by combining artificial intelligence technologies with linguistic analysis modules to identify and correct the main types of errors.