Physics inspired Machine Learning
Physics inspired Machine Learning
Dates: January, 20-21, 2020
Location: Pokrovsky boulevard,11
Language: Russian
Materials: Video
January, 20, room R 208
12.10 – 12.50
Generative Models in Particle Physics
Denis Derkach, NRU HSE
12.50 – 14.00
From Spin Glasses to Neural Networks
Riccardo Fabbricatore, University of Milan
14.05 – 14.55
Combinatorial and Neural Graph Vector Representations
for Graph Isomorphism and Classification
Evgeny Burnaev, Skoltech
15.40 – 16.05
Neural ODE and Hamiltonian Systems
Alexandra Volokhova, NRU HSE
16.05 – 16.30
Hamiltonian Flows
Viktor Oganesian, NRU HSE
16.30 – 16.55
Implicit MCMC
Evgeny Egorov, Skoltech
17.00 – 18.00
Interpretable & Tractable Machine Learning for Natural
and Engineering Sciences
Michael Chertkov, University of Arizona
January, 21, Small Conference Room of Cultural Center (Z)
11.00 – 12.10
n-neighborhood Method for Computing Free Energy
Leonid Litinskii, NIISI RAS
12.10 –12.50
Open ML challenges for High-Energy Physics experiments
Andrey Ustyuzhanin, NRU HSE
13.00 – 14.30
Statistical Physics and Reconstruction Noisy Patterns
Andrey Leonidov, P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences
15.30 – 16.20
Hamiltonian Networks & Model-Based RL
Dmitry Kropotov, NRU HSE, MSU