On November 1st-3rd, 2022 the International Laboratory of Stochastic Algorithms and High-Dimensional Inference of the HSE Faculty of Computer Science and the Laboratory of Methods for Big Data Analysis with the support of HSE AI Centre and the Russian Science Foundation organized the first autumn school and conference on artificial intelligence ‘Fall into ML’. The new format of the event included a school for students and young researchers.
Tag "students"
On February 1, the IDAO 2022 was launched. The HSE Faculty of Computer Sciences, Yandex and Otkritie Bank (platinum partner) are holding it for the fifth time. The first round of the olympiad will be held in an online format on Yandex.Contest - an online platform for organizing programming competitions.
From 17 to 23 July the third international school "Machine Learning in High Energy Physics 2017" (MLHEP 2017) will be held in the city of Reading, Great Britain. Within the framework of the summer school there will be lectures and seminars, which will demonstrate real examples of how modern technologies of machine learning allow us to give more precise answers to questions about the structure of our universe.
Ewen Gillies, PhD student at the Imperial College of London, COMET experiment member, LAMBDA Research Assistant presented the report 'Pattern Recognition Techniques for Finding Very Rare Events in COMET Experiment' at LAMBDA seminar.