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Seminar on Algebraic Transformation Groups

by Ivan Arzhantsev, Sergei Gaifullin, and Alexander Perepechko.
The seminar is held at HSE University or in Zoom. If you want to subscribe to e-mail announcements or receive a pass or a link, please contact Dmitriy Chunaev (dchunaev@hse.ru).


12.03.2025.  Yulia Zaitseva: Idempotents in algebraic semigroups and monoids

05.03.2025.  Mikhail Ignatiev: Kac-Moody groups and algebras - II

26.02.2025.  Mikhail Ignatiev: Kac-Moody groups and algebras

19.02.2025.  Kirill Rassolov: Isomorphisms of toric varieties

29.01.2025.  Nikitina Alina: The isomorphism problem for commutative monoid rings

22.01.2025.  Mikhail Petrov: Algorithms related with locally nilpotent derivation

11.12.2024.  Timofey Vilkin: Local slice construction

27.11.2024.  Anton Trushin: Extensions of isomorphisms between affine algebraic subvarieties of affine space

13.11.2024.  Alexander PerepechkoMaximal unipotent subgroups in automorphism groups of affine varieties

06.11.2024.  Alexander Perepechko: Maximal Lie subalgebras among locally nilpotent derivations

23.10.2024.  Kirill Shakhmatov: Complete smooth toric varieties with small Picard number - II

09.10.2024.  Kirill Shakhmatov: Complete smooth toric varieties with small Picard number - I

11.09.2024.  Immanuel van Santen (Universität Basel): A Characterization of Rationality and Borel Subgroups (video)

19.06.2024.  Sergey Gayfullin: Infinitely generated kernels of locally nilpotent derivations of polynomial algebra (video, in Russian)

05.06.2024.  Alexander Chernov: Rational unique factorization domains - II (video, in Russian)

22.05.2024.  Anton Shafarevich: Additive actions with finitely many orbits (video, in Russian)

15.05.2024.  Alexander Chernov: Rational unique factorization domains - I (video, in Russian)

24.04.2024.  Daniil Shunin: Notion of Pyasetskii duality for representations with finitely many orbits (video, in Russian)

17.04.2024.  Michael Chitayat: Rigidity and Rationality of Pham-Brieskorn Threefolds (video)

03.04.2024.  Dmitriy Chunaev: A unified approach to embeddings of a line in 3-space (video, in Russian)

20.03.2024.  Neena Gupta: The Abhyankar-Sathaye Epimorphism Conjecture (video)

06.03.2024.  Roman Avdeev: Homogeneous locally nilpotent derivations on affine varieties with torus action - II (video, in Russian)

28.02.2024.  Roman Avdeev: Homogeneous locally nilpotent derivations on affine varieties with torus action - I (video, in Russian)

14.02.2024.  Veronika Kikteva: Bracket width of the Lie algebra of vector fields on a smooth affine curve (video, in Russian)

07.02.2024.  Timofey Vilkin: Bracket width of simple Lie algebras (video, in Russian)

24.01.2024.  Ivan Beldiev: Prime criterion for Lie algebras of vector fields on affine varieties (video, in Russian)

10.01.2024.  Ekaterina Presnova: On the Manin-Mumford Theorem for Algebraic Groups (video, in Russian)

06.12.2023.  Dmitry Timashev: Structure of algebraic groups (video, in Russian)

22.11.2023.  Nicole Tonysheva: Chaotic homeomorphism groups of two-dimensional topological manifolds (video, in Russian)

15.11.2023.  Mikhail Shengelia: Nef cone on toric variety, Gale duality and normal fans - II (video, in Russian)

08.11.2023.  Mikhail Shengelia: Nef cone on toric variety, Gale duality and normal fans - I (video, in Russian)

27.09.2023.  Mikhail Ignatiev: The orbit method for infinite-dimensional Lie algebras (video, in Russian)

13.09.2023.  Anton Shafarevich: Criterion for algebraicity of Ga - generated subgroup (video, in Russian)

06.09.2023.  Sergey Gayfullin: Trinomial varieties (video, in Russian)

14.06.2023.  Viktor Lopatkin: Integrable generators of Lie algebras of vector fields on SL(2) and on xy = z2 (video, in Russian)

07.06.2023.  Sergey Gayfullin: Automorphisms of invariant algebra of finite group (video, in Russian)

24.05.2023.  Anton Trushin: Abhyankar-Moh-Suzuki theorem (video, in Russian)

26.04.2023.  Anton Shafarevich: Algebraically generated groups and their Lie algebras (video, in Russian)

29.04.2023.  Ivan Beldiev: Uniqueness of induced additive actions on degenerate hypersurfaces  (video, in Russian)

19.03.2023.  Victoria Oganisyan: Toric topology basics II (video, in Russian)

01.03.2023.  Ruslans Alekseevs: Toric topology basics I (video, in Russian)

15.02.2023.  Pedro Montero (Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Chile): Del Pezzo quintics as equivariant compactifications of vector groups (video)

18.01.2023.  Baohua Fu (Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing)Mirror symmetry for special nilpotent orbit closures (video)

14.12.2022.  Alvaro Liendo (Universidad de Talca, Chile): Characterization of algebraic varieties by their groups of symmetries (video)

07.12.2022.  Anna Kashirkina: Finite generation of kernels of locally nilpotent derivations (video, in Russian)

18.11.2022.  Veronika Treumova: Example of not finitely generated kernel of locally nilpotent derivation (video, in Russian)

09.11.2022.  Colin Crowley (University of Wisconsin–Madison, USA): Matroid Schubert varieties as equivariant compactifications of affine spaces (video)

02.11.2022.  Alexander Perepechko: Structure of Nested automorphism groups (video, in Russian)

19.10.2022.  Ivan Arzhantsev: Linearization problem - II (video, in Russian)

12.10.2022.  Ivan Arzhantsev: Linearization problem - I (video, in Russian)

05.10.2022.  Ekaterina Presnova: Gelfand-Cetlin polytopes (video, in Russian)

28.09.2022 Sergey Gayfullin: Modified Makar-Limanov and Derksen invariants (video, in Russian)

14.09.2022 Veronika Kikteva: Makar-Limanov and Derksen invariants (video, in Russian)

15.06.2022 Ivan Beldiev: Isometries of Mukai lattices (video)

25.05.2022 Veronika Treumova: Map enumeration problem (video)

11.05.2022 Anton Trushin: Wild automorphisms of graded algebras (video)

20.04.2022 Ekaterina Presnova: Hessenberg varieties (video)

06.04.2022 Alexander Perepechko: Automorphism groups of affine varieties without non-algebraic elements (video, in Russian)

16.03.2022 Sergey Gaifullin: Isotropy group of an LND of the polynomial algebra in three variables - II (video)

02.03.2022 Sergey Gaifullin: Isotropy group of an LND of the polynomial algebra in three variables - I (video)

16.02.2022 Andriy Regeta: Characterization of affine toric varieties by their automorphism groups (video)

04.02.2022 Roman Avdeev: Existence results for B-root subgroups on affine spherical varieties (video)

02.02.2022 Veronika Kikteva: The commuting derivations conjecture (video)

19.01.2022 Anton Shafarevich: Polytopal linear groups (video)

29.12.2021 Viktoriia Borovik: Well-poised hypersurfaces (video)

22.12.2021 Kirill Shakhmatov: Gale duality and homogeneous toric varieties (video)

08.12.2021 Nikhilesh Dasgupta: On the family of affine threefolds xmy = F(x, z, t) - II (video)

24.11.2021 Nikhilesh Dasgupta: On the family of affine threefolds xmy = F(x, z, t) - I (video)

10.11.2021 Denis Kremko: Polynomial Lie Algebras (video)

20.10.2021 Boris Bilich: Holomorphic endomorphisms of Cn and countable subsets (video)

13.10.2021 Alexander Popkovich: On Tits alternative for linear groups (video)

29.09.2021 Viktor Lopatkin: An approach to the Garside theory through CD-Lemma - III

22.09.2021 Viktor Lopatkin: An approach to the Garside theory through CD-Lemma - II

15.09.2021 Viktor Lopatkin: An approach to the Garside theory through CD-Lemma - I

11.06.2021 Sergey Gaifullin: Orbits of the automorphism group of affine horospherical varieties (video, in Russian)

28.05.2021 Viktor Lopatkin: The Kaplansky zero divisor conjecture: a homotopical and homological approach (video)

21.05.2021 Alexander Perepechko: Equivalence of affine lines on simplicial toric varieties (video, in Russian)

07.05.2021 Yulia Zaitseva: Commutative algebraic monoid structures on affine surfaces (video, in Russian)

23.04.2021.   Grigory Taroyan: Toric quantum geometry (video, in Russian)

02.04.2021.  Kirill Shakhmatov: G_a-actions of vertical type on affine T-varieties (video, in Russian)

19.03.2021.  Alexander Popkovich: Arc spaces of Toric Varieties (video, in Russian)

03.03.2021.  Ratko Darda (University of Paris, France): The prediction of Manin-Batyrev-Peyre on the number of rational points of algebraic varieties (video)

24.02.2021 Stevan Gajović (University of Groningen, the Netherlands): Variants of the method of Chabauty and Coleman to compute rational points on certain curves (video)

17.02.2021 Arnaud Mayeux (BICMR, Beijing, China): Representations of reductive p-adic groups (video)

10.02.2021 Roger Fidèle Ranomenjanahary (UTD, Dallas, USA): Geometric properties of nets in plane and higher-dimensions (video)

03.02.2021.  Nikhilesh Dasgupta (NMIMS, Mumbai, India): An algebraic characterization of the affine three space (video)

20.01.2021.  Boris Bilich: Locally nilpotent derivations of free algebra of rank two (video, in Russian)

09.12.2020.  Anton Shafarevich: Euler-symmetric projective varieties (video, in Russian)

11.11.2020.  Viktoria Borovik: Quasi-affine spherical varieties and their automorphism groups (video, in Russian)

28.10.2020.  Boris Bilich: Rational complex varieties with infinitely many real forms (video, in Russian)

21.10.2020.  Alisa Chistopolskaya and Grigory Taroyan: Infinite transitivity of subgroups of the automorphism group of A^2 ( video , in Russian)

15.10.2020.  Alexander Popkovich: Semi-infinite grassmannians and current algebras (video, in Russian)

03.10.2020.  Sergey Gaifullin: Automorphisms of nonnormal toric varieties-II

26.09.2020.  Sergey Gaifullin: Automorphisms of nonnormal toric varieties-I


08.07.2020. Grigory Taroyan: Automorphism group of moment-angle manifolds

27.04.2020. Alisa Chistopolskaya: Infinite transitivity of some subgroups of the automorphism group of the affine plane

20.04.2020. Kirill Shakhmatov: Additive actions on smooth complete non-projective varieties

06.04.2020. Anton Shafarevich: Toric hypersurfaces admitting additive actions

30.03.2020. Sergey Dzhunusov: Additive actions on toric surfaces

02.03.2020. Grigory Taroyan: Manin hypothesis on distribution of rational points of bounded height

13.02.2020. Alisa Chistopolskaya: Uniqueness of additive actions on flag varieties-II

03.02.2020. Alisa Chistopolskaya: Uniqueness of additive actions on flag varieties-I

16.12.2019. Viktoria Borovik: Actions of commutative groups with an open orbit on nondegenerate projective quadrics-II

09.12.2019. Viktoria Borovik: Actions of commutative groups with an open orbit on nondegenerate projective quadrics-I

02.12.2019. Yulia Zaitseva: Anticanonical class of a variety with additive action-III

25.11.2019. Yulia Zaitseva: Anticanonical class of a variety with additive action-II

18.11.2019. Yulia Zaitseva: Anticanonical class of a variety with additive action-I

11.11.2019. Ivan Arzhantsev: Modality of actions and local algebras

17.10.2019. Evgeny Feigin (HSE, Moscow, Russia): PBW and toric degenerations and their generalizations-II

14.10.2019. Dmitry Timashev (MSU, Moscow, Russia): Equivariant compactification of C^n by Fano variety with Picard number 1

03.10.2019. Evgeny Feigin (HSE, Moscow, Russia): PBW and toric degenerations and their generalizations-I

16.09.2019. Alexander Perepechko: Flexibility criterions for affine cones

28.06.2019. Yulia Zaitseva: Additive actions on weighted projective surfaces

21.06.2019. Alexander Perepechko: Flexibility of affine cones over secant varieties of Segre-Veronese embeddings

19.06.2019. Sergey Gaifullin: Existence of additive actions on flag varieties

03.06.2019. Dmitriy Matveev: Additive actions on projective hypersurfaces

22.05.2019. Anton Shafarevich: Additive actions on toric varieties-II

15.05.2019. Anton Shafarevich: Additive actions on toric varieties-I

24.04.2019. Yulia Zaitseva: Hassett-Tschinkel correspondence

17.04.2019. Yulia Zaitseva: Knop-Lange Theorem

20.01.2021. Boris Bilich: Locally nilpotent derivations of free algebra of rank two
09.12.2020. Anton Shafarevich: Euler-symmetric projective varieties


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