Seminar on Algebraic Transformation Groups
by Ivan Arzhantsev, Sergei Gaifullin, and Alexander Perepechko.
The seminar is held at HSE University or in Zoom. If you want to subscribe to e-mail announcements or receive a pass or a link, please contact Dmitriy Chunaev (
12.03.2025. Yulia Zaitseva: Idempotents in algebraic semigroups and monoids
05.03.2025. Mikhail Ignatiev: Kac-Moody groups and algebras - II
26.02.2025. Mikhail Ignatiev: Kac-Moody groups and algebras
19.02.2025. Kirill Rassolov: Isomorphisms of toric varieties
29.01.2025. Nikitina Alina: The isomorphism problem for commutative monoid rings
22.01.2025. Mikhail Petrov: Algorithms related with locally nilpotent derivation
11.12.2024. Timofey Vilkin: Local slice construction
27.11.2024. Anton Trushin: Extensions of isomorphisms between affine algebraic subvarieties of affine space
13.11.2024. Alexander Perepechko: Maximal unipotent subgroups in automorphism groups of affine varieties
06.11.2024. Alexander Perepechko: Maximal Lie subalgebras among locally nilpotent derivations
23.10.2024. Kirill Shakhmatov: Complete smooth toric varieties with small Picard number - II
09.10.2024. Kirill Shakhmatov: Complete smooth toric varieties with small Picard number - I
11.09.2024. Immanuel van Santen (Universität Basel): A Characterization of Rationality and Borel Subgroups (video)
19.06.2024. Sergey Gayfullin: Infinitely generated kernels of locally nilpotent derivations of polynomial algebra (video, in Russian)
05.06.2024. Alexander Chernov: Rational unique factorization domains - II (video, in Russian)
22.05.2024. Anton Shafarevich: Additive actions with finitely many orbits (video, in Russian)
15.05.2024. Alexander Chernov: Rational unique factorization domains - I (video, in Russian)
24.04.2024. Daniil Shunin: Notion of Pyasetskii duality for representations with finitely many orbits (video, in Russian)
17.04.2024. Michael Chitayat: Rigidity and Rationality of Pham-Brieskorn Threefolds (video)
03.04.2024. Dmitriy Chunaev: A unified approach to embeddings of a line in 3-space (video, in Russian)
20.03.2024. Neena Gupta: The Abhyankar-Sathaye Epimorphism Conjecture (video)
06.03.2024. Roman Avdeev: Homogeneous locally nilpotent derivations on affine varieties with torus action - II (video, in Russian)
28.02.2024. Roman Avdeev: Homogeneous locally nilpotent derivations on affine varieties with torus action - I (video, in Russian)
14.02.2024. Veronika Kikteva: Bracket width of the Lie algebra of vector fields on a smooth affine curve (video, in Russian)
07.02.2024. Timofey Vilkin: Bracket width of simple Lie algebras (video, in Russian)
24.01.2024. Ivan Beldiev: Prime criterion for Lie algebras of vector fields on affine varieties (video, in Russian)
10.01.2024. Ekaterina Presnova: On the Manin-Mumford Theorem for Algebraic Groups (video, in Russian)
06.12.2023. Dmitry Timashev: Structure of algebraic groups (video, in Russian)
22.11.2023. Nicole Tonysheva: Chaotic homeomorphism groups of two-dimensional topological manifolds (video, in Russian)
15.11.2023. Mikhail Shengelia: Nef cone on toric variety, Gale duality and normal fans - II (video, in Russian)
08.11.2023. Mikhail Shengelia: Nef cone on toric variety, Gale duality and normal fans - I (video, in Russian)
27.09.2023. Mikhail Ignatiev: The orbit method for infinite-dimensional Lie algebras (video, in Russian)
13.09.2023. Anton Shafarevich: Criterion for algebraicity of Ga - generated subgroup (video, in Russian)
06.09.2023. Sergey Gayfullin: Trinomial varieties (video, in Russian)
14.06.2023. Viktor Lopatkin: Integrable generators of Lie algebras of vector fields on SL(2) and on xy = z2 (video, in Russian)
07.06.2023. Sergey Gayfullin: Automorphisms of invariant algebra of finite group (video, in Russian)
24.05.2023. Anton Trushin: Abhyankar-Moh-Suzuki theorem (video, in Russian)
26.04.2023. Anton Shafarevich: Algebraically generated groups and their Lie algebras (video, in Russian)
29.04.2023. Ivan Beldiev: Uniqueness of induced additive actions on degenerate hypersurfaces (video, in Russian)
19.03.2023. Victoria Oganisyan: Toric topology basics II (video, in Russian)
01.03.2023. Ruslans Alekseevs: Toric topology basics I (video, in Russian)
15.02.2023. Pedro Montero (Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Chile): Del Pezzo quintics as equivariant compactifications of vector groups (video)
18.01.2023. Baohua Fu (Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing): Mirror symmetry for special nilpotent orbit closures (video)
14.12.2022. Alvaro Liendo (Universidad de Talca, Chile): Characterization of algebraic varieties by their groups of symmetries (video)
07.12.2022. Anna Kashirkina: Finite generation of kernels of locally nilpotent derivations (video, in Russian)
18.11.2022. Veronika Treumova: Example of not finitely generated kernel of locally nilpotent derivation (video, in Russian)
09.11.2022. Colin Crowley (University of Wisconsin–Madison, USA): Matroid Schubert varieties as equivariant compactifications of affine spaces (video)
02.11.2022. Alexander Perepechko: Structure of Nested automorphism groups (video, in Russian)
19.10.2022. Ivan Arzhantsev: Linearization problem - II (video, in Russian)
12.10.2022. Ivan Arzhantsev: Linearization problem - I (video, in Russian)
05.10.2022. Ekaterina Presnova: Gelfand-Cetlin polytopes (video, in Russian)
28.09.2022. Sergey Gayfullin: Modified Makar-Limanov and Derksen invariants (video, in Russian)
14.09.2022. Veronika Kikteva: Makar-Limanov and Derksen invariants (video, in Russian)
15.06.2022. Ivan Beldiev: Isometries of Mukai lattices (video)
25.05.2022. Veronika Treumova: Map enumeration problem (video)
11.05.2022. Anton Trushin: Wild automorphisms of graded algebras (video)
20.04.2022. Ekaterina Presnova: Hessenberg varieties (video)
06.04.2022. Alexander Perepechko: Automorphism groups of affine varieties without non-algebraic elements (video, in Russian)
16.03.2022. Sergey Gaifullin: Isotropy group of an LND of the polynomial algebra in three variables - II (video)
02.03.2022. Sergey Gaifullin: Isotropy group of an LND of the polynomial algebra in three variables - I (video)
16.02.2022. Andriy Regeta: Characterization of affine toric varieties by their automorphism groups (video)
04.02.2022. Roman Avdeev: Existence results for B-root subgroups on affine spherical varieties (video)
02.02.2022. Veronika Kikteva: The commuting derivations conjecture (video)
19.01.2022. Anton Shafarevich: Polytopal linear groups (video)
29.12.2021. Viktoriia Borovik: Well-poised hypersurfaces (video)
22.12.2021. Kirill Shakhmatov: Gale duality and homogeneous toric varieties (video)
08.12.2021. Nikhilesh Dasgupta: On the family of affine threefolds xmy = F(x, z, t) - II (video)
24.11.2021. Nikhilesh Dasgupta: On the family of affine threefolds xmy = F(x, z, t) - I (video)
10.11.2021. Denis Kremko: Polynomial Lie Algebras (video)
20.10.2021. Boris Bilich: Holomorphic endomorphisms of Cn and countable subsets (video)
13.10.2021. Alexander Popkovich: On Tits alternative for linear groups (video)
29.09.2021. Viktor Lopatkin: An approach to the Garside theory through CD-Lemma - III
22.09.2021. Viktor Lopatkin: An approach to the Garside theory through CD-Lemma - II
15.09.2021. Viktor Lopatkin: An approach to the Garside theory through CD-Lemma - I
11.06.2021. Sergey Gaifullin: Orbits of the automorphism group of affine horospherical varieties (video, in Russian)
28.05.2021. Viktor Lopatkin: The Kaplansky zero divisor conjecture: a homotopical and homological approach (video)
21.05.2021. Alexander Perepechko: Equivalence of affine lines on simplicial toric varieties (video, in Russian)
07.05.2021. Yulia Zaitseva: Commutative algebraic monoid structures on affine surfaces (video, in Russian)
23.04.2021. Grigory Taroyan: Toric quantum geometry (video, in Russian)
02.04.2021. Kirill Shakhmatov: G_a-actions of vertical type on affine T-varieties (video, in Russian)
19.03.2021. Alexander Popkovich: Arc spaces of Toric Varieties (video, in Russian)
03.03.2021. Ratko Darda (University of Paris, France): The prediction of Manin-Batyrev-Peyre on the number of rational points of algebraic varieties (video)
24.02.2021. Stevan Gajović (University of Groningen, the Netherlands): Variants of the method of Chabauty and Coleman to compute rational points on certain curves (video)
17.02.2021. Arnaud Mayeux (BICMR, Beijing, China): Representations of reductive p-adic groups (video)
10.02.2021. Roger Fidèle Ranomenjanahary (UTD, Dallas, USA): Geometric properties of nets in plane and higher-dimensions (video)
03.02.2021. Nikhilesh Dasgupta (NMIMS, Mumbai, India): An algebraic characterization of the affine three space (video)
20.01.2021. Boris Bilich: Locally nilpotent derivations of free algebra of rank two (video, in Russian)
09.12.2020. Anton Shafarevich: Euler-symmetric projective varieties (video, in Russian)
11.11.2020. Viktoria Borovik: Quasi-affine spherical varieties and their automorphism groups (video, in Russian)
28.10.2020. Boris Bilich: Rational complex varieties with infinitely many real forms (video, in Russian)
21.10.2020. Alisa Chistopolskaya and Grigory Taroyan: Infinite transitivity of subgroups of the automorphism group of A^2 ( video , in Russian)
15.10.2020. Alexander Popkovich: Semi-infinite grassmannians and current algebras (video, in Russian)
03.10.2020. Sergey Gaifullin: Automorphisms of nonnormal toric varieties-II
26.09.2020. Sergey Gaifullin: Automorphisms of nonnormal toric varieties-I
08.07.2020. Grigory Taroyan: Automorphism group of moment-angle manifolds
27.04.2020. Alisa Chistopolskaya: Infinite transitivity of some subgroups of the automorphism group of the affine plane
20.04.2020. Kirill Shakhmatov: Additive actions on smooth complete non-projective varieties
06.04.2020. Anton Shafarevich: Toric hypersurfaces admitting additive actions
30.03.2020. Sergey Dzhunusov: Additive actions on toric surfaces
02.03.2020. Grigory Taroyan: Manin hypothesis on distribution of rational points of bounded height
13.02.2020. Alisa Chistopolskaya: Uniqueness of additive actions on flag varieties-II
03.02.2020. Alisa Chistopolskaya: Uniqueness of additive actions on flag varieties-I
16.12.2019. Viktoria Borovik: Actions of commutative groups with an open orbit on nondegenerate projective quadrics-II
09.12.2019. Viktoria Borovik: Actions of commutative groups with an open orbit on nondegenerate projective quadrics-I
02.12.2019. Yulia Zaitseva: Anticanonical class of a variety with additive action-III
25.11.2019. Yulia Zaitseva: Anticanonical class of a variety with additive action-II
18.11.2019. Yulia Zaitseva: Anticanonical class of a variety with additive action-I
11.11.2019. Ivan Arzhantsev: Modality of actions and local algebras
17.10.2019. Evgeny Feigin (HSE, Moscow, Russia): PBW and toric degenerations and their generalizations-II
14.10.2019. Dmitry Timashev (MSU, Moscow, Russia): Equivariant compactification of C^n by Fano variety with Picard number 1
03.10.2019. Evgeny Feigin (HSE, Moscow, Russia): PBW and toric degenerations and their generalizations-I
16.09.2019. Alexander Perepechko: Flexibility criterions for affine cones
28.06.2019. Yulia Zaitseva: Additive actions on weighted projective surfaces
21.06.2019. Alexander Perepechko: Flexibility of affine cones over secant varieties of Segre-Veronese embeddings
19.06.2019. Sergey Gaifullin: Existence of additive actions on flag varieties
03.06.2019. Dmitriy Matveev: Additive actions on projective hypersurfaces
22.05.2019. Anton Shafarevich: Additive actions on toric varieties-II
15.05.2019. Anton Shafarevich: Additive actions on toric varieties-I
24.04.2019. Yulia Zaitseva: Hassett-Tschinkel correspondence
17.04.2019. Yulia Zaitseva: Knop-Lange Theorem
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