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Regular version of the site
Efficient indexing of peptides for database search using Tide

Acquaye F. L., Kertesz-Farkas A., Stafford Noble W.

Journal of Proteome Research. 2023. Vol. 22. No. 2. P. 577-584.

Mint: MDL-based approach for Mining INTeresting Numerical Pattern Sets

Makhalova T., Kuznetsov S., Napoli A.

Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery. 2022. P. 108-145.

Book chapter
Modeling Generalization in Domain Taxonomies Using a Maximum Likelihood Criterion

Zhirayr Hayrapetyan, Nascimento S., Trevor F. et al.

In bk.: Information Systems and Technologies: WorldCIST 2022, Volume 2. Iss. 469. Springer, 2022. P. 141-147.

Book chapter
Ontology-Controlled Automated Cumulative Scaffolding for Personalized Adaptive Learning

Dudyrev F., Neznanov A., Anisimova K.

In bk.: Artificial Intelligence in Education. Posters and Late Breaking Results, Workshops and Tutorials, Industry and Innovation Tracks, Practitioners’ and Doctoral Consortium -23rd International Conference, AIED 2022, Durham, UK, July 27–31, 2022, Proceedings, Part II. Springer, 2022. P. 436-439.

Book chapter
Triclustering in Big Data Setting

Egurnov D., Точилкин Д. С., Ignatov D. I.

In bk.: Complex Data Analytics with Formal Concept Analysis. Springer, 2022. P. 239-258.

Triclusters of Close Values for the Analysis of 3D Data

Egurnov D., Ignatov D. I.

Automation and Remote Control. 2022. Vol. 83. No. 6. P. 894-902.

Deep Convolutional Neural Networks Help Scoring Tandem Mass Spectrometry Data in Database-Searching Approaches

Kudriavtseva P., Kashkinov M., Kertész-Farkas A.

Journal of Proteome Research. 2021. Vol. 20. No. 10. P. 4708-4717.

Language models for some extensions of the Lambek calculus

Kanovich M., Kuznetsov S., Scedrov A.

Information and Computation. 2022. Vol. 287.

About the School

The School of Data Analysis and Artificial Intelligence was created in 2014 on the basis of the Department of Data Analysis and Artificial Intelligence within the School of Applied Mathematics and Information Science. The department has been carrying out its academic and teaching work since 2006.

There are world-renowned researchers among the employees of the department, who are actively working in  international research projects in the fields of data mining, formal concept analysis, semantic technologies and ontology engineering, multi-modal clustering, machine learning, natural language processing, development of intelligent and recommender systems, social network analysis, and medical informatics.  

The active involvement of international specialists in the work of the division, as well as the careful mentoring young employees, students and graduate students are important areas of the department. Teachers of the Department are French citizens, associate professors Paris Quentin and Thomas Clement Fernique, as well as Hungarian citizen associate professor Kertesz-Farkas Attila. Professors Mikhail Zakharyashchev (Birkbeck University of London), Oleg Pyanykh (Harvard Medical School) and Max Kanovich (University of London, and University College London) are involved as distance teachers. 

Famous scientists as a full member of Academia Europaea,Tenured Professor Boris Mirkin and Professor Leonid Zhukov have been constantly working in the department for many years.

The Department includes the International Laboratory of Intellectual Systems and Structural Analysis which carries out basic and applied academic research on analysis big data and complex data structures. The laboratory also develops software for analysis applied and research-related data. 

From the outset widely known Professor A. Shchedrov (University of Pennsylvania, USA) has been working as a leading international specialist of the unit.

In addition, the lab is developing as a research centre and a platform for integrating the newest methods in artificial intelligence – with a special emphasis on intellectual data analysis and structural analysis – for raising ‘intelligence’ and making software adaptive. The colleagues conduct international and periodic seminars, organize public lectures and participate in various HSE events.

In 2019, Laboratory for Models and Methods of Computational Pragmatics was established under the guidance of HSE Associate Professor Dmitry Ignatov.

The area of expertise of Computational Pragmatics Lab is unstructured data analysis. The laboratory staff study recommending systems and services, develop methods for multimodal clustering and classification that allow profiling user interests based on various modalities. Young scientist work on automatic language processing: adapting and developing neural network methods for analyzing and processing texts in Russian. The lab conducts seminars and conferences with the participation of a wide range of Russian and foreign specialists.

The head of the School of Data Analysis and Artificial Intelligence is HSE Tenured Professor Sergei Kuznetsov, who is a Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences and one of the most highly cited academics in computer science within the global scientific community.