9th Workshop "What Can FCA Do for Artificial Intelligence?" (FCA4AI)
21 августа 2021 г. состоялся 9-й международный семинар “What Can FCA Do for Artificial Intelligence?”.
Pr. Pierre Mathieu (Aix-Marseille University) gives a mini-course for The G2PS research group
The G2PS research group successfully continues its work and presents a mini-course by Pr. Pierre Mathieu (Aix-Marseille University) «Random walks on hyperbolic groups».
The first mini-course workshop took place on February 13, 2020; 18:10-21:00 in the context of G2PS meetings.
The 3rd International Workshop "Formal Concept Analysis for Knowledge Discovery", 7June 2019
Formal concepts proved to be of big importance for knowledge discovery, both as a tool for concise representation of association rules and a tool for clustering and constructing taxonomies. The FCA4KD workshop aims at bringing together researchers working on diverse aspects of FCA-based knowledge extraction with the applications to fields like Computer and Information Science, Linguistics, Life and Social Sciences, Bioengineering, Chemistry, etc.
Speech by Professor Bernhard Ganter (TU-Dresden) in the framework of "The Days of Computer Science”
A professor at the University of Dresden Bernhard Ganter gave a lecture at the Open Lecture Hall on the Days of Computer Science on April 6, 2019.
Speech by Professor S. O. Kuznetsov at the CORE 2018 Conference
Prof. S.O. Kuznetsov gave a keynote speech "Knowledge Discovery in Complex Data with Pattern Structures"
The head of the laboratory Sergei Kuznetsov presented an invited talk at the conference on Technologies of Machine Learning 2018
The head of the laboratory Sergei Kuznetsov presented an invited talk at the conference on Technologies of Machine Learning 2018
The head of the laboratory Sergei Kuznetsov presented an invited talk at the conference BDA 2017
On November 17 the head of the laboratory Sergei Kuznetsov presented an invited talk Galois connections for dependencies in databases (slides) at the conference «Gestion de Données — Principes, Technologies et Applications» (BDA 2017)
Laboratory ISSA seminar: Integrating Tools for Retrospective Analysis of Big Collection of Clinical Narratives Speaker: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Svetla Boytcheva
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Svetla Boytcheva, Linguistic Modeling and Knowledge Processing Department, Institute of Information and Communication Technologies, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria
Ella Tyuryumina, Research Assistant IL ISSA, had presentation on conference IEEE ICHI 2017 in USA
The Fifth IEEE International Conference on Healthcare Informatics (ICHI 2017) took place in Park City, Utah, in the heart of the Rocky Mountains, from august 23rd to August 26th, 2017.
At the ISSA laboratory seminar Prof. Dr. Steffen Holldobler, gave a talk entitled: «Bounded Skeptical Reasoning»
Prof. Dr. Steffen Hoelldobler, TU-Dresden