We invite for participance students of bachelor, master and phd programs and young researchers, whose interests lie in the area of algebraic topology, discrete and algebraic geometry, and combinatorics.
Mission of the school
We want to gather young researchers and students who already work or just start the scientific projects on the intersection of equivariant topology and discrete mathematics. We plan to organize several lecture cycles from the leading scientists about new results in the areas mentioned above, as well as informal seminars and discussions. The school follows right after the international conference devoted to the close subject. If you wish to take part in the conference as well - please, contact the organizers.
Topics of the school
- Toric topology and toric geometry
- Combinatorial methods in topology and topological methods in combinatorics
- Random graphs and hypergraphs
- Discrete and convex geometry
School is organized with the support of Sirius Mathematics Center (SMC) by International laboratory of algebraic topology and its applications.

Mikiya Masuda
Osaka City University

Victor Buchstaber
HSE University, International Laboratory of Algebraic Topology and Its Applications, Steklov Institute of Mathematics
Dmitry A. Shabanov
HSE University, International Laboratory of Algebraic Topology and Its Applications

Oleg Musin
University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

Nikolai Dolbilin
Steklov Institute of Mathematics
Anton Ayzenberg
HSE University, International Laboratory of Algebraic Topology and Its Applications
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