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Second Summer School on Bayesian Methods in Deep Learning announced

During his talk on Sberbank Data Science Journey Dmitry Vetrov announced about second summer school on NeuroBayesian methods to be held in HSE in Aug 2018. 

Illustration for news: HSE and Yandex launched a new English specialization on Coursera: Advanced Machine Learning

HSE and Yandex launched a new English specialization on Coursera: Advanced Machine Learning

In this specialization the listeners will complete the courses on deep learning, Bayesian methods, reinforcement learning, natural language processing etc. Alexander Novikov, research fellow of the laboratory, is a lecturer of Bayesian Methods course.

Illustration for news: Bayesian Methods in Deep Learning Summer School in Moscow

Bayesian Methods in Deep Learning Summer School in Moscow

Bayesian Methods in Deep Learning Summer School was held in Moscow fron 26 to 30 August. During these five days 96 participants from 8 countries listened to lectures about Bayesian methods in deep learning and trained neural networks.

Around 300 applications are submitted to Bayesian Methods in Deep Learning Summer School

Application to Bayesian Methods in Deep Learning Summer School is now closed. There are 297 applications from citizens of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Great Britain, Spain, France, Switzerland, Germany, the USA and Ireland.The school will be held in Moscow in August, 2017.