National Research University Higher School of Economics hosted a masterclass in particle physics on March 27 and brought high school students to participate. These students took a day off from school to go to the University and dive into the actual data. Scientists of the HSE Laboratory of Methods for Big Data Analysis (LAMBDA) Denis Derkach and Fedor Ratnikov introduced them to the tiniest building blocks of the universe and to the accelerators and detectors which probe these mysterious particles.
Tag "ideas & experience"
From 17 to 23 July the third international school "Machine Learning in High Energy Physics 2017" (MLHEP 2017) will be held in the city of Reading, Great Britain. Within the framework of the summer school there will be lectures and seminars, which will demonstrate real examples of how modern technologies of machine learning allow us to give more precise answers to questions about the structure of our universe.
Mikhail Guschin, researcher of SDA delivered the report 'Data Storage optimization by using data popularity information'.