Temirkhanov Aziz (LAMBDA research intern) is going to present his work "Fast Data Storage simulation with generative models" on the regular LAMBDA laboratory seminar

Мероприятие завершено

Темирханов Азиз Арсенович
Научно-учебная лаборатория методов анализа больших данных: Стажер-исследователь

Abstract: In a modern world, large amount of data is being accumulating every day. To store such data, a complex data storage system (DSS) is required. But industrial-level DSS must also satisfy several additional conditions besides storage volume. To be able to adjust various specifications to different tasks, one may use a precise modeling of industrial DSS. In this work, we develop several methods of modeling data storage systems using generative models.

Time: 14:40-16:00 (UTC+3)

Location: Moscow, Pokrovsky boulevard, 11, R604 

Working language: English
