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На семинаре ММИТ выступил Prof. Dr. Steffen Holldobler с докладом «Bounded Skeptical Reasoning»

Тема: Bounded Skeptical Reasoning
Докладчик: Prof. Dr. Steffen Holldobler, TU-Dresden
Место проведения: Кочновский проезд, 3. ауд. 205, 13.40
Аннотация: The weak completion semantics is a new cognitive theory which has been applied to model — among others — the suppression task, the selection task, and syllogistic reasoning. In each of these applications it was necessary to apply skeptical abduction. The application of credulous abduction leads to either wrong conclusions in the suppression and the selection task or to an overall weaker performance in syllogistic reasoning. On the other hand, from a complexity point of view, computing skeptical conclusions is quite expensive. If reasoning tasks and, in particular, the sets of abducibles considered in abductive reasoning tasks become larger, then skeptical reasoning appears to be infeasible. Hence, I will argue for bounded skeptical reasoning