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Research & Expertise

Illustration for news: HSE University Receives Government Grant to Create AI Research Centre

HSE University Receives Government Grant to Create AI Research Centre

A competition of research centres looking to receive grants through the Artificial Intelligence federal project has concluded, and HSE University is among the winners. Winning centres will focus on developing new AI technologies that expand its application, overcoming existing limitations for solving applied problems and optimizing AI models.

PhD thesis in Computer Science was defended

On awarding a degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science

Illustration for news: Two papers were accepted to NAACL 2021

Two papers were accepted to NAACL 2021

Статьи Надежды Чирковой и Сергея Трошина приняты в программу конференции NAACL, одной из ведущих по тематике обработки естественного языка.

Illustration for news: The paper "On Power Laws in Deep Ensembles" accepted as a spotlight to NeurIPS'20

The paper "On Power Laws in Deep Ensembles" accepted as a spotlight to NeurIPS'20

Устный доклад сотрудников Лаборатории на одной из крупнейших конференций по ИИ.

The paper by researhers of the Center earned a bronze award at the largest research competition of Samsung

Сотрудники Центра получили бронзовую награду на конкурсе Samsung Best Paper Award 2020.

Illustration for news: Our colleagues Alexander Shekhovtsov representing Czech Technical University in Prague and Belhal Karimi representing Ecole Polytechnique & INRIA gave talks on actual problems of machine learning

Our colleagues Alexander Shekhovtsov representing Czech Technical University in Prague and Belhal Karimi representing Ecole Polytechnique & INRIA gave talks on actual problems of machine learning

24 of July Alexander Shekhovtsov (Czech Technical University in Prague), invited by the Centre of Deep Learning and Bayesian Methods, and Belhal Karimi (Ecole Polytechnique & INRIA), a summer intern of the Centre, made presentations at the Faculty of Computer Science

Illustration for news: HSE Opens Laboratory of Financial Data Analysis

HSE Opens Laboratory of Financial Data Analysis

Part of the Centre of Deep Learning and Bayesian Methods and another partner project between Sberbank and HSE University’s Faculty of Computer Science, the laboratory will focus on applying machine learning methods to financial services.

Illustration for news: The faculty members will present their research on ICLR and AISTATS conferences

The faculty members will present their research on ICLR and AISTATS conferences

One paper will be presented at AISTATS (Japan, April 2019) and three papers will be presented at ICLR (USA, May 2019).

Illustration for news: The faculty presented the results of their research at the largest international machine learning conference NeurIPS

The faculty presented the results of their research at the largest international machine learning conference NeurIPS

Researchers of the Faculty of Computer Science presented their papers at the annual conference of Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), which was held from 2 to 8 December 2018 in Montreal, Canada.

HSE University Opens Joint Laboratory with Samsung Research

Samsung-HSE Laboratory will develop mechanisms of Bayesian inference in modern neural networks, which will solve a number of problems in deep learning. The laboratory team will be made up of the members of the Bayesian Methods Research Group — one of the strongest scientific groups in Russia in the field of machine learning and Bayesian inference. It will be headed by a professor of the Higher School of Economics Dmitry Vetrov.