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Lecture:"Time-space tradeoffs". Lecturer: Tomislav Petrovic (Boston University, USA).

Event ended
On January 11  Tomislav Petrović will give a lecture  "Time-space tradeoffs".
Address: Faculty of computer science, Kochnovsky proezd, 3.
Language: English
Time: 16:40 - 18:00
Hall: 505
To attend the seminar one should have a pass to the building. If you don’t have a pass please send your contact information (Surname, name) to Ekaterina Vavilova: evavilova@hse.ru .


We'll discuss how to convert a sequential program that uses small amount of space and large amount of time into a parallel program that uses large amount of space and small amount of time, and vice-versa.
We'll also look at a simple extension of this result to sequential programs that don't necessarily use a small amount of space, but for which we know that they visit some small set of states.