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Mini-course "Elements of game theory". Lecturer: V. A. Gurvich (Rutgers University, HSE)

Event ended
On November 3 -14, 2016, V. A. Gurvich will give a mini-course "Elements of game theory".
Address: Department of computer science, Kochnovsky proezd, 3.
Language: Russian.
03.11.2016, 16:40-19:30, (room 622)
07.11.2016, 16:40-19:30, (room 205)
10.11.2016, 16:40-19:30, (room 402)
14.11.2016, 16:40-19:30, (room 505)
Everyone is welcome. To attend the course need to register!
Participation is free, but the registration is needed.
If you have questions, contact the manager of the laboratory Ekaterina Vavilova: evavilova@hse.ru.

Game theory is an important discipline that studies the conflicts and cooperation by mathematical methods. The range of theory applications is very wide: economics, sociology, military science, ecology, biology; and other mathematical disciplines such as graph theory.
In this course we will give a brief introduction to this area. The main role will be played by the classical (simple) solution concepts: Nash equilibrium and the kernel. The course material will cover topics such as matrix games, bimatrix games and n-players games in normal form, the Nash equilibrium (NE) in pure strategies for games (with two players) in normal form.
Also, some of the following topics can be included into discussion:
·        the minimal and the locally minimal bimatrix games without NE;
·        the dominance of strategies and D-equilibrium;
·        acyclic two-player  game forms which are Nash- and dominance-solvable;
·        functions of  influence in the games theory;
·        voting theory;
·        graph theory;
·        standard forms of positional games and       nonrepeated boolean functions.
To attend this course no prior knowledge is required. The knowledge of the basic concepts of linear algebra, linear programming and graph theory will be useful.  Preliminaries will be given during the lectures.