Mini-workshop Stochastic Processes and Probabilistic Models in Machine Learning
On September 12 and 13, a mini-workshop "Stochastic processes and probabilistic models in machine learning" was held at the faculty. Four invited foreign specialists gave lectures about the application of parametric and nonparametric probabilistic methods in machine learning, and representatives of Russian scientific groups told about particular projects where these approaches are used.

Bayesian Methods in Deep Learning Summer School in Moscow
Bayesian Methods in Deep Learning Summer School was held in Moscow fron 26 to 30 August. During these five days 96 participants from 8 countries listened to lectures about Bayesian methods in deep learning and trained neural networks.

A paper on CVPR 2017
Michael Fugurnov's paper written in collaboration with researchers from Google, Carnegie Mellon University and Dmitry Vetrov has been presented on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. The conference was held from 21 to 26 July in Honolulu, USA.
A new grant by Russian Science Foundation
A group of 8 researchers including 5 laboratory's staff members received a large grant by Russian Science Foundation. The grant has been received in collaboration with the Laboratory of Computer Graphics and Multimedia (MSU) and Bayesian Methods research group.
Variational dropout sparsifies DNNs paper has been accepted to ICML'17
The paper authored by laboratory's research assistants Dmitry Molchanov and Arsenii Ashukha and head Dmitry Vetrov has been accepted to the International Conference on Machine Learning'2017. In this research a state-of-the-art result in deep neural networks sparsification was achieved using Bayesian framework applied to deep learning.

Collaboration with Samsung Opens New Perspectives for the Laboratory and the Faculty
Dmitry Vetrov, head of the laboratory, held a meeting with Mr. Shi-Hwa Lee, a Vice-President of Samsung, a company the laboratory collaborates with. Interim research results, internship possibilities and collaboration perspectives were discussed.
Around 300 applications are submitted to Bayesian Methods in Deep Learning Summer School
Application to Bayesian Methods in Deep Learning Summer School is now closed. There are 297 applications from citizens of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Great Britain, Spain, France, Switzerland, Germany, the USA and Ireland.The school will be held in Moscow in August, 2017.
The laboratory signed a contract with Samsung
The laboratory signed a contract with international company Samsung about research in the area of deep learning. Samsung's senior engineer Kim KyoungHoon will consult our staff, and the laboratory is going to hire new employyes to work on the project.