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Семинар НУЛ ИИдВБ "Neuro-Symbolic approaches in Visual Question Answering problems"

17 и 24 декабря 2021 г. состоялись онлайн-семинары по теме "Neuro-Symbolic approaches in Visual Question Answering problems".



ДокладчикЛатыпов Инсан-Александр Искандерович (стажер-исследователь в НУЛ искусственного интеллекта для вычислительной биологии).

Аннотация: In this presentation we demonstrate possible solutions in solving Visual Question Answering tasks using Neuro-Symbolic approaches. This paradigm aims to bridge the gap between symbolic and connectionist models. Visual Question Answering implies answering the questions based on the given picture and requires reasoning over the extracted information. Models, that we review during this talk, solve the problem of reasoning in different ways. Some of them are based on traversing the knowledge graphs, while others translate the concepts to executable, symbolic programs.