Searching for patterns of association between functional genomic elements
VII International Conference "Mathematical Biology and Bioinformatics"
Laboratory staff - Maria Poptsova, Otabek Matkarimov, Denis Polivoda - made a report "Search for patterns of association between the functional elements of the genome."
Speakers at the conference raised the issue of searching patterns and analyzing genomic data. At the moment, existing pattern search programs have significant limitations, most of which are implemented to work on the Unix system, there is no graphical interface, and the programs themselves are difficult to use.
To solve this problem, the laboratory began developing a cross-platform program, with a user-friendly graphical interface, launched in a browser on any operating system that accepts two genomic annotation files in the .bed format, visualizes the distribution of functional elements in the form of chromosome densities and implements search for patterns of association between the two genomic elements under study.
The found patterns are visualized, and information about their location is given in the form of a list. This program is designed to solve a wide class of bio-informatics problems of searching for patterns of association between various functional annotations of the genome.
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