Cтуденческие и аспирантские проекты
MCMC, Markov Chains, and related topics
Adaptive Metropolis-Hastings techniques without analytic expression for proposal density (Contact persons: Sergey Samsonov svsamsonov@hse.ru)
Adaptive MCMC with diffusion-based models (Contact persons: Sergey Samsonov svsamsonov@hse.ru)
Extensive study of practical performance of CV VR method (Contact person: Artur Goldman, art-gold1579@yandex.ru)
Reinforcement Learning and Stochastic Approximation
Reinforcement Learning with Tensor Decomposition (Contact person: Daniil Tiapkin, dtyapkin@hse.ru)
Two timescale linear stochastic approximation (Contact person: Sergey Samsonov, svsamsonov@hse.ru)
Audio Processing
Knowledge Distillation with applications in audio processing (Contact person: Ilya Levin, ivlevin@hse.ru)
Enumerating 2-distance sets in R8
Enumerating 2-distance sets in R8 (Contact person: Fedor Noskov, fnoskov@hse.ru)
Optimization and related questions
Finite-time deviation bounds for variational inequalitites (Contact person: Sergey Samsonov, svsamsonov@hse.ru)
Optimal decentralized algorithms on time-varying graphs (Contact person: Darina Dvinskikh, dmdvinskikh@gmail.com)
Statistics and statistical learning theory topics
Beyond realizable setting in the empirical risk minimizaton with dependent data (Contact person: Sergey Samsonov, svsamsonov@hse.ru)
Optimal estimation in Mixed-Membership Stochastic Block Model (Contact person: Fedor Noskov, fnoskov@hse.ru)
Approximation properties of quantized neural networks (Contact person: Nikita Puchkin, npuchkin@hse.ru)
Online change point detection (Contact person: Nikita Puchkin, npuchkin@hse.ru)
Covariance estimation via Bures-Wasserstein barycenters (Contact person: Nikita Puchkin, npuchkin@hse.ru)
Probability and related topics
Rosenthal-type inequalities for random matrices with Markovian dependence (Contact person: Sergey Samsonov, svsamsonov@hse.ru)
Poincare and log-Sobolev inequalities from the Gardner-Zvavitch theorem (Contact person: Nikita-Pushkin, npuchkin@hse.ru)
Projection property (Contact person: Egor Kosov, ked 2006@mail.ru)
Distances between norms of Gaussian vectors (Contact person: Egor Kosov, ked 2006@mail.ru)
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