Ongoing projects
- Latent Semantic Space model for Word Representations (Bartunov, Kondrashkin, Osokin)
- Acceleration of Convolutional Neural Networks (Figurnov)
- Tensor-net: tensor decomposition for neural networks (Novikov, Podoprikhin, Osokin)
- Stochastic optimisation (Rodomanov, Kropotov)
- Research & Development for Sberbank (Yakovleva, Garipov, Yakubovskiy, Novikov)
- Variational Dropout for Deep Neural Networks and Linear Model (Molchanov, Ashuha)
- Improved methods of large-scale variational inference (Figurnov, Struminsky, Khalman)
- Research in oil field development forecasting for Schlumberger (Molchanov, Temirchev)
Past projects
- Tensor approach to Markov random fields (Novikov, Rodomanov, Osokin)
- Bayesian nonparametric inference (Bartunov)
- Deep shape models (Khomutov, Lobacheva, Gavrikov, Kirillov)
- Multi-utility structural learning (Kondrashkin, Shapovalov, Osokin)
- Sequential classification and structure learning (Chistyakov, Figurnov, Shapovalov)
- Approximate inference methods in Markov random fields (Osokin)
- Skeleton and elliptic shape models (Yangel)
- Vital parameters measurement with tactile pressure sensors (Lobacheva, Kropotov)
- 3D neuroimaging (Voronin, Osokin, Temlyantsev, NovikovP)
- Cell images analysis (Nekrasov, Shapovalov)
- Tactile mechannoreceptor data processing (Kaspersky, Kropotov)
- Behaviour analysis (Vishenvesky, Temlyantsev, Lomakina)
- Mouse tracking systems (Kropotov)
- TV images processing (NovikovA, Chernyshev)
- Ferments consentration estimation (Vishnevsky)
- Globally constrained structured learning (Romov, Osokin)
- Texture descriptors (Elshin, Kropotov)
- Variational methods in Bayesian models (Kropotov)
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