Moscow Conference on Computational Molecular Biology (MCCMB)
Laboratory staff - conference participants
From 27 to 30 July 2019, Moscow State University hosted the Moscow Conference on Computational Molecular Biology.
4 research trainees presented poster reports:
- Patterns of associations of G-quadruplexes and histonemodifications in human stem cells and brain tissue (Arina Nostaeva).
- The relationship between DNA secondary structures, epigenetic markers, transcription factors and structuralsomatic mutations in cancer genomes (Anna Kurilovich).
- Identification of species-specific DNA-regulatory elements inbrain (Abusaid Shaimardanov).
- Leading researcher of the laboratory Dmitry Svetlichny made a poster presentation "Evolutionary analysis of cis-regulatory elements in the centralnervous system of primates".
Also, poster presentations were made by students who work under the guidance of the laboratory staff:
Dmitry Konovalov ("Role of guanine quadruplexes CpG methylation in epigeneticregulation").
Daria Afentieva ("Joint mechanical, thermodynamic and electrostatic machine learning model for prediction of nucleosome positions").
Olga Bochkareva ("Evolution of multi-chromosomal bacteria Vibrio spp").
Lev Mazaev ("Possible role of upstream open reading frames in NMDdependentdegradation of human mRNAs").