International scientific conference “Development of Russian-Italian Cooperation in Biomedicine”
On November 14, 2024, the National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE University) hosted the international scientific conference “Development of Russian-Italian Cooperation in Biomedicine”

From Sequencing to Constructing a Cardio Panel: Summer School in Cardiogenetics
From August 19 to 29, the Continuing Professional Development Centre of the HSE Faculty of Computer Science hosted the summer school 'Cardiogenetics: From Sequencing to Constructing a Cardio Panel,' organised in collaboration with the Russian Academy of Sciences' Institute of Analytical Instrumentation (IAI) and Institute of Spectroscopy (ISAN), and the Syntol company. The summer school was conducted within the framework of the Federal Research Programme for Genetic Technologies Development for 2019–2027 (Project 15.IP.21.0004).

Maria Poptsova visited the Chukotka branch of the North-Eastern Federal University. M.K. Ammosov in the city of Anadyr
At the invitation of the Chukotka branch in Anadyr, Maria Poptsova, head of the International Bioinformatics Laboratory of the Institute of Artificial Intelligence and Digital Sciences, Faculty of Computer Science, National Research University Higher School of Economics (Moscow), visited Anadyr.

Russia and Italy have created a project to study the work of genes in brain cancer cells
Russian and Italian scientists have launched a joint project to study how genes function in individual cells of glioma, a form of brain cancer, as well as the microenvironment generated by this tumor.

Russian-Italian Projects in Biomedicine Discussed at HSE University
HSE University hosted an international mini-conference titled 'Search for new ways to develop Russian-Italian cooperation in the field of Biomedicine,' attended by scientists from both countries and HSE Rector Nikita Anisimov.

Round table «Quality of life and personalized medicine» dedicated to the fifth anniversary of the Mirror Laboratories project
Maria Poptsova, Anton Vorobyov gave a report on the AI prognostic system for predicting adverse outcomes in patients with myocardial infarction

Radio Mayak: School program for adults. Technologies. Cardiogenetics: how machine learning saves hearts
We talked about cardiogenetics with the head of the International Bioinformatics Laboratory, Maria Poptsova, on Radio Mayak

On February 15 - 19, the annual student school-conference on bioinformatics ITIS (b) was held at the Voronovo Center
The annual student school-conference “Information technologies and systems. Bioinformatics" ITIS(b), which was attended by more than 100 people from HSE, IITP RAS, Skoltech, Moscow State University, MIPT.

Scientific and practical conference “Tatiana’s Day” - elements of artificial intelligence in modern hematology"
01/25/2024 laboratory staff took part in the scientific and practical conference “Tatiana’s Day” - elements of artificial intelligence in modern hematology"

Maria Poptsova live on Radio Mayak - How gene decoding will allow doctors to predict heart disease
Maria Poptsova, head of the international laboratory of bioinformatics at the Faculty of Computer Science of the National Research University Higher School of Economics, spoke on Radio Mayak in the “Physicists and Lyricists” section. "Developments".