IEEE BIBM 2020 conference
Fedor Pavlov, a research intern at the International Bioinformatics Laboratory, gave a presentation at the IEEE BIBM 2020 international conference, which was held online December 16-19, 2020. At the Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence in Bioinformatics and Medical Informatics (MABM) workshop, he presented a paper "Recognition of DNA Secondary Structures as Nucleosome Barriers with Deep Learning Methods," published in co-authorship with Maria Poptsova.
Maria Poptsova presented at the AI Journey 2020
Maria Poptsova, head of the International Laboratory of Bioinformatics and associate professor of the Big Data and Information Retrieval School, spoke at the AI Journey 2020 conference on artificial intelligence with a presentation “Deep Learning in Genomics”.
Neural networks will help study DNA
Scientists at the Higher School of Economics have proposed a way to improve the accuracy of finding Z-DNA – the sections of a molecule that are left-handed rather than right-handed. To do so, they used neural networks and a dataset of more than 30,000 experiments done by different laboratories around the world.
Winners of the HSE International Laboratory Proposal Competition Announced
This year’s HSE competition for the creation of international laboratories which considered proposals for the period of January 1, 2021 – December 21, 2023, was conducted from June 15 to December 15, 2020.
International Symposium on Bioinformatics Research and Applications (ISBRA) December 1-4, 2020
The International Symposium on Bioinformatics Research and Applications (ISBRA) was held online on December 1-4, 2020.
International conference "Modeling and Analysis of Complex Systems and Processes (MACSPro'2020)", October 20-24, 2020
On October 20-24, 2020, the International Conference Modeling and Analysis of Complex Systems and Processes (MACSPro'2020) was held in an online format, Venice, Italy.
Interdisciplinary School-Conference "Information Technologies and Systems" (ITiS 2020), October 17-18, 2020
Interdisciplinary School-Conference "Information Technologies and Systems" (ITiS 2020), October 17-18, 2020, online format, Institute for Information Transmission Problems. A.A. Kharkevich Russian Academy of Sciences (IITP RAS)
International Conference "Transposable Elements", Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory October 6-9, 2020
Learning structural properties of 3’-ends of LINEs and SINEs across the tree of life with deep learning models
Faculty of Computer Science Hosts First School on Machine Learning in Bioinformatics
Laboratory of Bioinformatics organised the first international summer school in bioinformatics. The school was held online on August 24-28.
Podcasts of the program "Physics and Lyrics", radio station "Mayak"
Head of the lab Maria Poptsova - guest on the radio station "Mayak"