Maria Poptsova visited the Chukotka branch of the North-Eastern Federal University. M.K. Ammosov in the city of Anadyr
At the invitation of the Chukotka branch in Anadyr, Maria Poptsova, head of the International Bioinformatics Laboratory of the Institute of Artificial Intelligence and Digital Sciences, Faculty of Computer Science, National Research University Higher School of Economics (Moscow), visited Anadyr.
Maria Sergeevna gave an interview on the Purga radio station, during which she explained what the laboratory does, who the bioinformatics specialists are and what problems they solve. Why do people take genetic tests? What role does Data Science play in bioinformatics?

Maria Sergeevna gave an interview on the Purga radio station, during which she explained what the laboratory does, who the bioinformatics specialists are and what problems they solve
Maria Sergeevna gave an interview on the Purga radio station, during which she explained what the laboratory does, who the bioinformatics specialists are and what problems they solve: “First of all, let me thank the management of the Chukotka branch for the unique opportunity to visit the most remote region of the country, to feel the endless expanses of the region land, see with your own eyes the splendor of northern nature! I really liked the level of the students who presented their bachelor's theses for defense. Each work was a completed computer project that was already used in companies and organizations in the Chotka District.
Now I’ll tell you a little about the projects of my laboratory.
Bioinformatics is the computer and mathematical analysis of data from molecular biology and genetics. Biotechnologies of the 21st century generate big data, the analysis of which is currently only possible using artificial intelligence methods. It has also become possible to genetically test people to identify mutations associated with diseases. This allows doctors to make a more accurate diagnosis and prescribe personalized treatment. Genetic testing is especially relevant in the field of personalized medicine for different populations and nations.
The Bioinformatics Laboratory is actively involved in research in the field of cardiogenetics. In addition, the development of predictive AI systems, both taking into account genetic data and without. For example, we are developing a predictive system for assessing the risk of adverse events in patients with myocardial infarction after discharge from the hospital based on digitized data on patients of the Surgut Cardiocenter, records of which have been maintained since 2009. Such projects are scaled to regions.
Regarding potential joint projects with the Chukotka branch, it would be very interesting to analyze the data of patients of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, especially the indigenous peoples of the North. It is important to determine the factors that contribute to the rapid adaptation of the body to living conditions in the Far North. It would also be promising to carry out a genetic analysis of the indigenous peoples of the North and identify genetic characteristics and population-specific associations with diseases.
The medicine of the future is personalized medicine, and the sooner we start working on creating catalogs of genetic diversity and collecting patient data from different peoples of the North, the faster the leap into personalized medicine will be made.
I hope that in the near future we will implement some kind of joint project, and I will come here to Chukotka again!”

In addition, on June 11, 2024, the Chukotka branch successfully defended the final qualifying works of correspondence students of group Z-BA-IVT-19, who completed their studies in the direction of training 03/09/01 “Informatics and Computer Science”, in the profile “Software Development Technologies provision." The chairman of the state examination commission for the defense of final qualifying works was Maria Poptsova, head of the bioinformatics laboratory of the Higher School of Economics, Moscow.
The graduates presented their graduation projects directly related to their professional activities to a strict and competent commission.
Vladislav Mashkov spoke about adapting the 1C enterprise program to the needs of his security company Rubezh. Beletskaya Antonina developed a website for the company IDRSP LLC. Demin Alexander virtualized the management processes of the ROSMORPORT information system. Egor Ninenko showed the detailed structure of the website of the Rospotrebnadzor Office for the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug and its relationship with the State Services website.
The Commissioner for the Protection of the Rights of Entrepreneurs of the Government of the ChAO Nikolay Kulik, representatives of the Department of Digital Development of the ChAO Dmitry Korzh and Artur Arestov took part. The head of the basic department of modern banking at the Far Eastern Federal University, Alexander Slezko, Vladivostok, the head of the telecom and multimedia department of Gazpromneft Information and Technical Services LLC, Vladislav Doroshenko, St. Petersburg, as well as work managers - Ph.D. Physics and Mathematics, Associate Professor of the Black Sea Fleet Anton Lvov, Ph.D. ped. sciences, head Department of Operation and Maintenance of Information Systems of NEFU Galina Protodyakonova.
All graduates defended their submitted bachelor's projects.