On February 15 - 19, the annual student school-conference on bioinformatics ITIS (b) was held at the Voronovo Center
The annual student school-conference “Information technologies and systems. Bioinformatics" ITIS(b), which was attended by more than 100 people from HSE, IITP RAS, Skoltech, Moscow State University, MIPT.
Annual conference student school-conference “Information technologies and systems. Bioinformatics" ITIS (b) was held on February 15 - 19 at the Voronovo Educational Center. More than 100 people from HSE, IITP RAS, Skoltech, Moscow State University, and MIPT took part in it.
The organizers were the International Laboratory of Bioinformatics of the Higher School of Economics together with the Institute for Information Transmission Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences named after A. A. Kharkevich. The conference school was held in a hybrid format. Almost all conference participants made presentations.