Конференция Foundations of Modern Statistics (Moscow ed.) по случаю юбилея Владимира Спокойного
Foundations of Modern Statistics Workshop will be held at HSE University (Pokrovsky Boulevard, 11, Room R-504) on November 30, 2019. The topics include, but not limited to: Mathematical statistics, Optimization, Econometrics, Stochastic Analysis.
Conference Program is now available:
Program (PDF, 198 Кб)
Tentative List of Speakers:
- Ivan Arzhantsev (HSE University)
- Denis Belomestny (HSE University and Duisburg Esseen University)
- Evgeny Burnaev (Skoltech)
- Evgeny Tyrtyshnikov (INM RAS)
- Alexander Gasnikov (MIPT, HSE University)
- Alexey Naumov (HSE University)
Alexander Gasnikov, Vlada Kuznetsova, Alexey Naumov, Maxim Panov, Vladimir Ulyanov
Схема корпуса (JPG, 133 Кб)
For the pass to the building please contact Vlada Kuznetsova at vkuznecova@hse.ru