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Семинар HDI Lab: Optimal score estimation via empirical Bayes smoothing

Мероприятие завершено

В четверг, 23 мая, в 14:40 состоится очередной семинар. С обзорным докладом выступит Константин Яковлев (МФТИ).

Optimal score estimation via empirical Bayes smoothing

The problem of estimating the score function of an unknown probability distribution from n independent and identically distributed observations in d dimensions is studied. Assuming that the true density is sub gaussian and has a Lipschitz-continuous score function, the optimal rate for the estimation problem under the loss function commonly used  in the score matching literature was established. This reveals the curse of dimensionality where sample complexity for accurate score estimation grows exponentially with the dimension. Leveraging key insights in empirical Bayes theory as well as a new convergence rate of smoothed empirical distribution in Hellinger distance, it was shown that a regularized score estimator based on a Gaussian kernel attains this rate, shown optimal by a matching minimax lower bound.  The implications of these findings for the sample complexity of score-based generative models are discussed.

23 мая 2024, аудитория G119
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The report is based on the work