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Семинар HDI Lab: Taming Heterogeneity in Federated Linear Stochastic Approximation

Мероприятие завершено

В этот четверг, 05 сентября, в 14:40, состоится доклад Поля Мангольда (Эколь Политехник)

In federated learning, multiple agents collaboratively train a machine learning model without exchanging local data. To achieve this, each agent locally updates a global model, and the updated models are periodically aggregated. In this talk, I will focus on federated linear stochastic approximation (FedLSA), with a strong focus on agents heterogeneity. I will derive upper bounds on the sample and communication complexity of FedLSA, and present a new method to reduce communication cost using control variates. Particular attention will be put on the "linear speed-up" phenomenon, showing that the sample complexity scales with the inverse of the number of agents in both methods.

SCAFFLSA: Taming Heterogeneity in Federated Linear Stochastic Approximation and TD Learning

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