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The practice of students is an integral part of the main educational program of higher education for the preparation of bachelors and is carried out in accordance with the approved working curricula and the schedule of the educational process in order to acquire students the skills of professional work, deepen and consolidate the knowledge and competencies acquired in the process of theoretical training.

Types of practices at the FCS:

Educational practice is carried out in junior courses in the departments of the FCS with the aim of consolidating, expanding and deepening the theoretical knowledge gained and acquiring initial practical skills in solving specific problems.

Educational (technological) practice is carried out at enterprises of the IT industry or in structural divisions of the university in order to study software development technologies used in companies - leaders of the IT industry, students acquire knowledge, skills and abilities to work in instrumental environments necessary for professional activities.

Industrial practice is carried out at enterprises of the IT industry or in structural divisions of the university with the aim of gaining experience in projects as part of teams developing software systems, as well as studying methodological, instructive and regulatory materials of enterprises engaged in industrial software development, working out obtained during training skills.

Pre-diploma practice is carried out at the graduation course under the guidance of a supervisor in order to collect material for the completion of the final qualifying work, the acquisition of professional experience by graduates, improvement of competencies, and verification of the readiness of future graduates for independent work.

Practice in 2022 for educational programs of FCS

Educational program

Educational practice

Educational and technological practice

Production practice

Pre-graduate practice

Software Engineering (SE)


2nd year

3rd year

4th year

Applied Mathematics and Computer Science (AMCS)

1st year

2nd year

3rd year

4th year

Applied Data Analysis (ADA)


2nd year

3rd year

4th year

ONLINE Computer Science and Data Analysis (CSDA)

1st year


3rd year

4th year



Practice retake 2020/2021

Offers for practices from companies in 2022


Offers for practices from HSE in 2022

Information will be available later.

Practical training

How to successfully complete the internship?

How to get an internship ahead of schedule?


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