Scholarship "Young entrepreneur" FCS 2022

A nominal scholarship to students of the HSE Faculty of Computer Science "Young Entrepreneur" is allocated for the development of entrepreneurial projects and is assigned:
- students of the Bachelor's and Master's degree programs of the Higher School of Economics;
- graduate students of the Graduate School of Computer Science of the Higher School of Economics.
The decision on the appointment of a scholarship is made by the competition commission.
The commission consists of representatives of the Business Incubator and acceleration programs of the HSE, partner companies of the FCN, employees of the Faculty of Computer Science.
The composition of the competition commission is approved by the order of the Dean of the faculty.
The scholarship is awarded in the following nominations:
1. "The best idea of an entrepreneurial project"
2. "The best entrepreneurial project"
The amount of scholarships allocated for one academic year
- no more than 4 in the nomination "The best idea of an entrepreneurial project" for 100 thousand rubles per project (with payment within 4 months)
- no more than 5 scholarships in the nomination "Best entrepreneurial project" for 400 thousand rubles per project (with payment within 4 months)
What will we pay attention to when selecting:
Selection criteria
All finalists of the competition present the project in the format of an online presentation to the competition commission.
The total duration of the performance in the final of the competition is no more than 10 minutes for defense + 10 minutes for questions from the jury members.
You have the opportunity following the results of the competition:
Get financial support from the faculty
Become a member of the Accelerator for students and postgraduates of the FCN, where you will be able to study your CA more deeply, conduct custdev, create an MVP, finalize your project with the help of experienced mentors.
Get additional support from the contest partners and the Accelerator.
Scholarship Application Deadline:
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