Three HSE Researchers Receive Ilya Segalovich Award
Three researchers of the HSE Faculty of Computer Science are among the winners of the 2022 Ilya Segalovich Award: Research Professor Dmitry Vetrov, Associate Professor Alexey Naumov and doctoral student Sergey Samsonov. The award, established by Yandex in 2019, is aimed at supporting young researchers and the scientific community in the field of IT in Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan.

Fall into ML: Autumn School and Conference on Machine Learning Held at HSE University
On November 1st-3rd, 2022 the International Laboratory of Stochastic Algorithms and High-Dimensional Inference of the HSE Faculty of Computer Science and the Laboratory of Methods for Big Data Analysis with the support of HSE AI Centre and the Russian Science Foundation organized the first autumn school and conference on artificial intelligence ‘Fall into ML’. The new format of the event included a school for students and young researchers.

HSE University Receives Government Grant to Create AI Research Centre
A competition of research centres looking to receive grants through the Artificial Intelligence federal project has concluded, and HSE University is among the winners. Winning centres will focus on developing new AI technologies that expand its application, overcoming existing limitations for solving applied problems and optimizing AI models.

HSE Students and Faculty Member Receive Ilya Segalovich Award from Yandex
Four people have received this award for their achievements in the field of Computer Science: two HSE University graduate students, one doctoral student, and Sergei Obiedkov, Deputy Dean for Research and International Relations at the Faculty of Computer Science.

‘My Time at HSE Was a Turning Point’
HSE master’s programme alumni and an HSE doctoral student received an international Catalyst Grant from Digital Science in support of the development of their startup, MLprior, a service for researchers and scientists. HSE News Service spoke with Vladislav Ishimtsev, one of the startup creators, about the biggest ‘thorns’ in researchers’ sides, artificial intelligence, and the possibility of a machine uprising.
Supercomputer Set Up at HSE University
A new supercomputer, which has been recently set up at MIEM, will allow the university to carry out high quality research in deep learning and mathematical modeling. The computer was ranked sixth in the April Top-50 ranking of supercomputers in Russia.