Dmitry Savostyanov's Head of Al SberGames master class "The history of the creation, development and sale of a startup GOSU.AI. How we made a voice assistant for gamers"
The FCS Entrepreneurs Club invites you to take part in Dmitry Savostyanov's master class - Head of Al SberGames, where you will learn about starting a startup using a real-life example.
On Wednesday, November 10, at 17:00, Dmitry Savostyanov's master class will be held on the topic: "The history of the creation, development and sale of a startup GOSU.AI . How we made a voice assistant for gamers."
As part of the master class, participants will learn about:
- First ideas and MVP;
- Investments;
- Growth;
- Plateau and disappointment;
- Market analysis and pivot;
- Frustration and pivot;
- A good deal.
Graduate of the Higher School of Economics, CPO at GOSU.AI is a voice assistant for gamers, attracted more than $5M, and later the startup was acquired by SberGames. At the moment, Dmitry and his team are creating an international game publisher. In addition, Dmitry has experience in launching and developing his own project "Despize" - training, currency, boosting in games. Attracted investments in the amount of 150 thousand euros, assembled a team in just 2 months and has already received the first sales.
When: November 10, 2021 at 17:00
Where: Zoom
Format: Online

Head of AI, SberGames