From Sequencing to Constructing a Cardio Panel: Summer School in Cardiogenetics
From August 19 to 29, the Continuing Professional Development Centre of the HSE Faculty of Computer Science hosted the summer school 'Cardiogenetics: From Sequencing to Constructing a Cardio Panel,' organised in collaboration with the Russian Academy of Sciences' Institute of Analytical Instrumentation (IAI) and Institute of Spectroscopy (ISAN), and the Syntol company. The summer school was conducted within the framework of the Federal Research Programme for Genetic Technologies Development for 2019–2027 (Project 15.IP.21.0004).

On February 15 - 19, the annual student school-conference on bioinformatics ITIS (b) was held at the Voronovo Center
The annual student school-conference “Information technologies and systems. Bioinformatics" ITIS(b), which was attended by more than 100 people from HSE, IITP RAS, Skoltech, Moscow State University, MIPT.

Data Analysis and Personalised Medicine: Summer School in Cardiogenetics
The Continuing Professional Development Centre of the HSE Faculty of Computer Science has recently hosted the summer school 'Cardiogenetics: From Sequencing to Constructing a Cardio Panel'. The school programme was co-organised by the Russian Academy of Sciences' Institute of Analytical Instrumentation and Institute of Spectroscopy and the Syntol company.

HSE University Hosts Third Summer School on Machine Learning in Bioinformatics
Between August 23rd and 25th, the HSE Faculty of Computer Science held its annual summer school on machine learning in bioinformatics. After two years of being held online, the school returned to an offline format for this year. Over three days, more than 120 participants attended lectures and seminars by leading experts in the field from institutions such as HSE University, Skoltech, AIRI, MSU, MIPT, Genotek, and Sber Artificial Intelligence Laboratory.

Science festival of the HSE "LUNOHOD-1" Moscow, 27 October 2018
Maria Poptsova made a presentation "DNA punctuation-hidden layer of genome annotation" in IT crater

42nd Interdisciplinary school-conference "Information technologies and systems" ITIS, Kazan 25-30 September 2018
Laboratory staff Helen Tevanyan, Michal Rosenwald, Alexander Shein, Anton Zaikin, Maria Poptsova, Michael Gelfand took part in the conference. Mikhail Gelfand - head of the section "Bioinformatics".