"Metrics for hypothesis development and testing: what you need to know at the beginning of work": master class by Timofey Bakurov
Bakurov, bandits, benefits, and what other words do you know for the letter "B"? What does the words with the letter "B" have to do with it and what else can you ask the client about in our news right now
Timofey Bakurov held a master class as part of a series of lectures on product management from the Entrepreneurs Club FCS
Imagine (or maybe you don't need to imagine) that you have created your product and entered the market. The question arises: "what's next?". That's right, we need to grow and increase profits. This is influenced by a variety of indicators and parameters, and in order to find these growth points, it is necessary to develop metrics, make hypotheses and test them. Timofey shared how to do this from the point of view of qualitative and quantitative methods during a master class on November 16.
During the meeting, we discussed where and when it is better to apply A\ B testing, and when to use the "one-armed bandit" method. We solved the puzzles and remembered the math statistics. The meeting ended with an informal conversation during a coffee break.
The last master class is part of Timofey's lecture series. The next lecture will be held on December 23 at 18:30, in order not to miss the announcement and the link to registration, follow the news in our telegram channel of the Entrepreneurs Club.
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FCS Student, head of the innovative consulting agency Pasta digital, which helps businesses become modern