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Illustration for news: IDAO 2022 Challenges Participants to Work with Graph Neural Networks

IDAO 2022 Challenges Participants to Work with Graph Neural Networks

On February 1, the IDAO 2022 was launched. The HSE Faculty of Computer Sciences, Yandex and Otkritie Bank (platinum partner) are holding it for the fifth time. The first round of the olympiad will be held in an online format on Yandex.Contest - an online platform for organizing programming competitions.

Illustration for news: Results of the scholarship competition "Young entrepreneur" FCS 2021 in the nomination "Best entrepreneurial project"

Results of the scholarship competition "Young entrepreneur" FCS 2021 in the nomination "Best entrepreneurial project"

Illustration for news: Registration for International Data Analysis Olympiad Now Open

Registration for International Data Analysis Olympiad Now Open

The HSE Faculty of Computer Science, Yandex, and Otkritie Bank are holding the fifth International Data Analysis Olympiad (IDAO). There will be two competition stages: the qualifying round will last from February 1 to 28, 2022, and the finals will take place from April 16-17. Registration for the event is already underway.

Illustration for news: DSBA Students about 1C:Scholarship-Winning Project

DSBA Students about 1C:Scholarship-Winning Project

Students of the Data Science and Business Analytics double degree programme work on individual and group projects every year. We asked third-year students Kamil Alyakaev and Stas Ushakov to talk about their project. Last year, this project earned Kamil and Stas a 1C:Scholarship.

Illustration for news: HSE University Receives Government Grant to Create AI Research Centre

HSE University Receives Government Grant to Create AI Research Centre

A competition of research centres looking to receive grants through the Artificial Intelligence federal project has concluded, and HSE University is among the winners. Winning centres will focus on developing new AI technologies that expand its application, overcoming existing limitations for solving applied problems and optimizing AI models.

Illustration for news: JetBrains Department Opened at the Faculty of Computer Science

JetBrains Department Opened at the Faculty of Computer Science

On April 12, JetBrains Department was opened at the Faculty of Computer Science with Aleksey Mitsyuk, Associate Professor of the Department of Software Engineering as its head. The Department is a part of the School of Software Engineering. It will support a new specialization "Analysis and Software Development Tools" for third and fourth-year bachelor students.

Illustration for news: HSE Students and Faculty Member Receive Ilya Segalovich Award from Yandex

HSE Students and Faculty Member Receive Ilya Segalovich Award from Yandex

Four people have received this award for their achievements in the field of Computer Science: two HSE University graduate students, one doctoral student, and Sergei Obiedkov, Deputy Dean for Research and International Relations at the Faculty of Computer Science.

Illustration for news: HSE Showcases Innovations in Urbanism and Neural Networks at Russia’s Geek Picnic 2020

HSE Showcases Innovations in Urbanism and Neural Networks at Russia’s Geek Picnic 2020

This year, Russia’s largest science and technology festival, Geek Picnic, was held online for the first time. Despite the new format, the festival programme included all of the event’s usual key features: expert lectures, workshops, competitions, and opportunities to socialize and network with fellow tech and science enthusiasts. HSE University once again served as the festival’s content partner.

Illustration for news: Second meeting of the Faculty of Computer Science’s Board of Trustees

Second meeting of the Faculty of Computer Science’s Board of Trustees

The second meeting of the Board of Trustees of the HSE University’s Faculty of Computer Science took place on March 12. Elena Bunina, Deputy Chair of the Board, CEO of Yandex, presided over the meeting.

Illustration for news: Eight Teams Compete in HSE’s First Data Science Hackathon

Eight Teams Compete in HSE’s First Data Science Hackathon

HSE University has recently hosted an SAS Data Hack Platypus data analysis hackathon, where teams competed to solve a case problem provided by the online hypermarket, Utkonos (or, in English, ‘Platypus’).The top five finalists received devices from partner companies as gifts.