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Book chapter
Stochasticity in Algorithmic Statistics for Polynomial Time

Vereshchagin N., Milovanov A.

In bk.: 32nd Computational Complexity Conference. Вадерн: Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik, Dagstuhl Publishing, 2017. P. 1-18.

Working paper
Spatially Adaptive Computation Time for Residual Networks

Figurnov M., Collins M. D., Zhu Y. et al.

arXiv:1612.02297. arXiv. Cornell University, 2016

HSE Students Get Gold, Silver and Bronze in International Mathematical Competition

HSE’s team has won four gold, one silver and one bronze medal at the International Mathematical Competition for University Students (IMС 2016), the most representative mathematics contest for university students. The team included students from the Faculty of Computer Science and the Faculty of Mathematics.

The competition took place from July 25-31, 2016 in Bulgaria and attracted 72 teams, including national (Belarus, Israel, Turkmenistan, etc.) and university teams (University of Cambridge, University College of London, Ecole Polytechnique, University of Chicago, etc.). Russia was represented by six teams: MSU, MIPT, HSE, Saint Petersburg State University, ITMO University and Novosibirsk State University.

All HSE students won medals: Vadim Kalashnikov, 3rd-year student of Software Engineering, Polina Svyatokum, 3rd-year student of Applied Mathematics and Information Science, Ilya Bogdanov and Ilya Dumansky, 2nd-year students of Mathematics, got gold, Gleb Posobin, 3rd-year student of Applied Mathematics and Information Science, got silver, and Petr Ogarok, 2nd-year student of Mathematics, got bronze.

Last year, Vadim Kalashnikov also won gold at this competition, while Gleb Posobin won bronze.

Although the competition is individual, countries and universities compete as teams (as at the Olympics). This was the first time HSE participated as a team, since it sent more than three contestants. The HSE team’s score came to 221, taking 11th place globally and 3rd among Russian teams (following MIPT – 1st place and Saint Petersburg State University – 2nd place).

Over the last academic year, all HSE team members took part in special optional mathematics courses for contests supervised by student competition winners, Vasily Astakhov, Grigory Ivanov, and Andrey Gavriliuk. This is an open course for all HSE students.

Registration for the course will be announced on its Telegram channel. There you can also see the problems, which the HSE team solved in order to prepare for the international competition.