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Correction to the leading term of asymptotics in the problem of counting the number of points moving on a metric tree

V.L. Chernyshev, Tolchennikov A.

Russian Journal of Mathematical Physics. 2017. Vol. 24. No. 3. P. 290-298.

Book chapter
Stochasticity in Algorithmic Statistics for Polynomial Time

Vereshchagin N., Milovanov A.

In bk.: 32nd Computational Complexity Conference. Вадерн: Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik, Dagstuhl Publishing, 2017. P. 1-18.

Working paper
Spatially Adaptive Computation Time for Residual Networks

Figurnov M., Collins M. D., Zhu Y. et al.

arXiv:1612.02297. arXiv. Cornell University, 2016

Research & Expertise – News

Three HSE Researchers Receive Ilya Segalovich Award

Three HSE Researchers Receive Ilya Segalovich Award
Three researchers of the HSE Faculty of Computer Science are among the winners of the 2022 Ilya Segalovich Award: Research Professor Dmitry Vetrov, Associate Professor Alexey Naumov and doctoral student Sergey Samsonov. The award, established by Yandex in 2019, is aimed at supporting young researchers and the scientific community in the field of IT in Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan.

Fall into ML: Autumn School and Conference on Machine Learning Held at HSE University

Fall into ML: Autumn School and Conference on Machine Learning Held at HSE University
On November 1st-3rd, 2022 the International Laboratory of Stochastic Algorithms and High-Dimensional Inference of the HSE Faculty of Computer Science and the Laboratory of Methods for Big Data Analysis with the support of HSE AI Centre and the Russian Science Foundation organized the first autumn school and conference on artificial intelligence ‘Fall into ML’. The new format of the event included a school for students and young researchers.

Young Researchers from HSE Receive Awards from the Moscow Government

Young Researchers from HSE Receive Awards from the Moscow Government
Vladimir Podolskii, Head of HSE’s Big Data and Information Retrieval School, and Elena Vakulenko, Assistant Professor at the Department of Applied Economics, have both received awards for research in mathematics and labour studies, respectively.

Laboratory of Theoretical Computer Science Researchers Get Grant from RFBR and Royal Society

Laboratory of Theoretical Computer Science Researchers Get Grant from RFBR and Royal Society
Researchers from the HSE Laboratory of Theoretical Computer Science have won a competition organized by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) and the Royal Society of London for Improving Natural Knowledge.

Collaboration with Samsung Opens New Perspectives for the Laboratory and the Faculty

Collaboration with Samsung Opens New Perspectives for the Laboratory and the Faculty
Dmitry Vetrov, head of the laboratory, held a meeting with Mr. Shi-Hwa Lee, a Vice-President of Samsung, a company the laboratory collaborates with. Interim research results, internship possibilities and collaboration perspectives were discussed.

Faculty of Computer Science to Launch New Theoretical Computer Science Lab

This year, the HSE Faculty of Computer Science is opening an international theoretical computer science laboratory, which will be the new research division of the Big Data and Information Retrieval School. One of the lab’s main objectives is to help bring the Russian school of theoretical computer science to the world stage.

Tensorizing Deep Neural Networks

The article ‘Tensorizing Neural Networks’, prepared by the Bayesian Methods Research Group under the supervision of Associate Professor of HSE’s Computer Science Faculty Dmitry Vetrov, has been accepted by the NIPS conference – the largest global forum on cognitive research, artificial intelligence, and machine learning, rated A* by the international CORE ranking. This year it is being held December 7-12 in Montreal. Here Dmitry Vetrov talks about the research he presented and about why delivering reports at conferences is better than getting published in the academic press. 

Two Papers by Dmitry Vetrov Accepted at NIPS Conference

The Twenty-ninth Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS) is a single-track machine learning and computational neuroscience conference that includes invited talks, demonstrations and oral and poster presentations of refereed papers. All of the key breakthroughs in machine learning over the last 15 years were first presented at this conference. The conference is assigned to the highest category (A*) in the CORE Conference Ranking.

Reports by Ekateina Lobacheva and Dmitry Vetrov Accepted at ICCV 2015

The reports be Ekateina Lobacheva, doctoral student, and Dmitry Vetrov, Associate Professor of the Department Dmitry Vetrov, Associate Professor at the Big Data and Information Retrieval School were accepted the organisers of the International Conference on Computer Vision, which got the highest rank A* according to the international rating of IT conferences.

Building a Simple App for Apple Watch

Building a Simple App for Apple Watch
Gregory Tareyev, a Software Engineering student, a co-founder and iOS developer of Chill shares his experience with the international editorial AppCoda on Apple Watch development and shows how to build a simple weather app.
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