Mini-course «Introduction to String Algorithms». Prof. Gregory Kucherov, Paris-Est University at Marne-la-Vallée, France
We would like to invite you to participate in a mini-course on Introduction to String Algorithms given by Prof. Gregory Kucherov.
The content of the course will include topics from the following list selected according to students' background and preferences:
· Basic string algorithms: Knuth-Morris-Pratt, Rabin-Karp, Aho-Corasick
· Text indexes. Suffix trees and its applications. Least Common Ancestor (LCA) and Range Minimum Queries (RMQ).
· Lempel-Ziv compression.
· Directed Acyclic Word Graph (DAWG), Position Heap
· Suffix arrays
· Succinct data structures. rank/select functions. Succinct tree representations.
· Succinct text indexes. Burrows-Wheeler transform and BWT-index.
· Approximate string search via dymanic programming.
· Sequence alignment: Edit distance, Longest common subsequence, Needleman-Wunsch algorithm, Hirschberg's algorithm, Local alignment.
Gregory Kucherov received his PhD degree in computer science from the Russian Academy of Sciences in Novosibirsk in 1988 and a habilitation degree from Henri Poincaré University in Nancy, France, in 2000. He is presently a CNRS research director in Gaspard Monge Lab for Computer Science in Paris-Est University at Marne-la-Vallée, France, and is also affiliated with SkolTech where he teaches a course on efficient algorithms and data structures. His current research interests include algorithm design and engineering, algorithmic complexity, word combinatorics, data structures, sequence and graph algorithms with applications to bioinformatics and other big data applications.
When and where:
May 20, 13.40-16.30, room. 327 (3 Kochnovsky Proezd)
May 22, 13.40-16.30, room. 311 (3 Kochnovsky Proezd)
Language: English
If you are interested to participate, please register here.